new secretary of the Interior

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Well-known member
well the last post got pulled ? Whatever.
like riding on federal land ?
well to bad! this new person that our President put in charge is going to make that a battle I guarantee it.
Sally Jewel CEO of REI yes that REI is now in charge look her up.
funny thing less on her on Google today than yesterday funny how that happens now days .
I wont say more stay on your toes and have your repetitiveness numbers in your phone and call them every time u smell something u dont like.and dont think your local news is going to let u know about it stay on the forums and remember just because U dont ride in a place they are trying to shut down call any ways.Yours could be and now is very likely to have a big target on it.
I u love passive recreation U now have a huge ally in your corner


Active member
Not sure why the other one got pulled, must have gotten too political, but this is very very bad news indeed! Any person that uses Federal land for any other purpose than looking at it in magazines, should be deeply concerned!!!!!!


Well-known member
agenda 21 was being implemented in slow motion now it is going to really start kicking in.
dont know what agenda 21 is look it up cuz it is happening


Staff member
The first got pulled because it was PURELY POLITICAL and this will be shut down to further posts because it too is political and for the moment, I am tired of baby sitting. I guess rules are just for some.

Plus, I have yet to figure out how coming to his board and WHINING about things is ever going to solve a problem. Sorry Ez, not trying to single you out. I just am amazed that folks come to this board, piss and moan about just about everything, but do NOTHING to actually remedy the problems. I guess that is what we are becoming, a society of finger pointers and whiners and not persons that do anything about what we see being done that we feel is wrong.

Early this morning when I yanked the first post, it had several hundred views and about a dozen replies and had only been up on the board for around 8 hours. Yet the thread that actually tells folks how they help to keep a riding area open titled "Effort to keep areas open to snowmobiles", is a sticky at the top of the list of all threads and has been up since Nov 1 had about twice the views and 17 replies. And we wonder why we keep losing areas to our adversaries.

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