New to John Dee


New member
Hey guys, just joined tonight. I've been meaning to for quite a while lol
Heard a lot of great things about you guys!

indy_500 told me to get myself on here asap...haha

quick bio...
i'm a 16 year old junior at Hortonville High, live in Greenville near indy_500, and i ride a 2002 Polaris 600 Edge X
I'm also a canuck, born in Thunder Bay Ontario, so i'm ready to take some blows for that lol

See you on the trails!


New member
Welcome to JD. It seems you and Indy have a lot in common...both of you up this late on a school night? Shouldn't you two be studying...or at a minimum, sleeping?


New member
Welcome! You will not find a friendlier group of snowmobile enthusiasts any where on the web. I am sure you will find your visists here more enjoyable than other trail report forums.


first of all, I speak on behalf of all JDer's and we have 3 big problems with you, first of all your a snot nosed kid, your a troll on da odder side of da bridge and you ride poo.

JUST KIDDING! Glad you are here and welcome! It's good to see younger people interested in this great sport.

Welcome again and have fun!


New member
haha special ed...should i go looking for the muffler bearings and kahnerple valves now?
maybe change my blinker fluid in the truck

and sleddindude...we don't need sleep! we'd rather be riding haha

thanks for all the welcomes! happy to be on here!