New Video Production Team..Flatlanders


New member
Jacob, just watched the dvd twice. Totally proffesional grade quality. Very entertaning! The movie is 2 hrs long. Rob did fantastic with editing. Money well spent. Guys this is a must have in your video collection.


Got my copy yesterday and watched Island Park loop last night. I will watch rest of film tonight. You can tell there are a lot of Flatlanders alot of stucks and a few oops. Great DVD. I can't wait til Winter


New member
Its like a triple feature for one money. Watched again on my 50" screen at home. Great representation of the prime riding locations.


New member
Jacob, nice vids...

Pauly, you should get some GoPro aiming pointers from Jacob.....he seems to have it dialed in...:D


New member

Wonderfull, You guys had to show "Sled Porn Star Jimmy Perrin" nobody told me I was sharing a room with a celebrity for a week. He stocked our fridge with 4 cases of Keystone Light! as you all who was on this trip noticed, he decided to bring none of it home unless it passed threw his kidneys first. what a ton of fun! lol