No Roof Left Behind


Well-known member
Actually it looks like there might be a flaw in the website. You can vote each time you return to the page by clicking the link above. Now if the vote counts is a different story, it may accept the vote only to check IP address later and not tell you. Which would make the vote not count.
lotsfire - you got it. You can vote once daily from the same IP. (website doesn't seem to work that way though)

Thanks for voting everyone, I appreciate the help and I know Dave & Debbie do to.
Glad your friends won!<font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font>

Mezz, It is possible to have two PCs that have the same IP Address. The 2 PCs won't work correctly and will probably have a pop-up from Windows stating that there seems to be an "IP Conflict" on the network. Your home modem, cable or DSL or dial-up have IP Addresses assigned from the ISP's DHCP (Dynamic Host Control Protocol) router. Your IP Address will change about every 3 to 4 months if you NEVER power cycle your Modem. With a cable internet connection you can change your IP as often as you like by cutting the power to the router for at least 20 minutes. The ISP's DHCP Server will think you have left the network and reassign the IP you had to someone else and then when your modem comes back online the ISP's DHCP server will have no choice but to give you a new IP Address because it gave away your old one. As for the IP Address on YOUR ROUTER which is BEHIND the ISPs modem you can get what ever IP you want to give you PC. It can either be set up with DHCP enabled or you can have static IPs for all the devices on your network. I have 4 PCs using my one internet connection. The ones that have an Ethernet cable connecting them to the router I set up with static IPs so I can have file shortcuts on all PCs without having to worry that the IP of the PC that holds that file doesn't change. For my laptop I have the router set with DHCP enabled so the IP to my laptop can change. This set up however does not change the IP that the rest of the Internet sees because you are BEHIND the ISP modem. Hence the reason they call it a LAN (Local Area Network) your cable or DSL modem is part of a WAN (Wide Area Network) that you have no control over at all.


Well-known member
Cool! glad to hear they won. It's nice to play a part in an effort which results in positive results.
Toadster, each computer does indeed have it's own specific IP address of which is not suppose to change unless it's been affected by an outside interruption such as by your ISP. I don't know if it is possible for 2 computers to have the exact same IP, I would think that would be highly unlikely. Most certainly not in a network enviroment. The modem has a MAC ID number which is recognized by the the ISP. I have experienced issues with my systems here in my offices of which are on a peer to peer network which were interrupted by the ISP, as a result the network would not operate until the network settings contained the correct IP address of the connected system(s). The computer actually is forced to change it's IP address, the issue then is within the Trust controll within the network or a firewall. The system will work on it's own, however, any network access via the serving unit will not be available. Now, I am definetly no computer guru, but, this is what I have experienced.-Mezz
THANK YOU to every one of you for voting. They wouldn't have won if it weren't for you. They really appreciate all the help. When I get a report from them I will report back.

BIG thumbs up to people of John Dee


Glad to here they won! Hope every thing with the roof works out for them.