Cool! glad to hear they won. It's nice to play a part in an effort which results in positive results.
Toadster, each computer does indeed have it's own specific IP address of which is not suppose to change unless it's been affected by an outside interruption such as by your ISP. I don't know if it is possible for 2 computers to have the exact same IP, I would think that would be highly unlikely. Most certainly not in a network enviroment. The modem has a MAC ID number which is recognized by the the ISP. I have experienced issues with my systems here in my offices of which are on a peer to peer network which were interrupted by the ISP, as a result the network would not operate until the network settings contained the correct IP address of the connected system(s). The computer actually is forced to change it's IP address, the issue then is within the Trust controll within the network or a firewall. The system will work on it's own, however, any network access via the serving unit will not be available. Now, I am definetly no computer guru, but, this is what I have experienced.-Mezz