non ethenol gas


Well-known member
if it works for you continue to use it, I don't want to start any arguments with anyone but this time of the year I am probably cleaning 30 carburetors or more a week and even if you weren't a mechanic if I put 10 of those carburetors in front of you and asked which one was put away with stabil you could tell which it was, and in defense of the product maybe the end user is not using it correctly, sometimes people think if some is good more is better when that is actually false, more can be worse than not enough. I see first hand what stabilizers and what not doing anything at all does and from what I have dealt with and seen I wouldn't use it, there are far better products out there. have been to dealer meetings and warranty updates and I will tell you there aren't any manufacturers in my business that recommend it and they aren't also trying to just sell you their product either. There is also another product out there that was very popular, we used to call it " mechanic in a can" and over the years and formulation changes is no longer recommended my most manufacturers either. If it works for you then use it, from what I see what it does I wouldn't.

Ok, sounds fair enough. I'm one of those guys that uses the approximate correct amount, not more than needed. I always run said item for a few minutes as well, after adding sta-bil to the gas so it mixes well, and gets through everything. Then FRESH gas topped off before starting the next season.

As for adding something to every tank, nah, I don't do that. If its going to get run in the next couple weeks, I just keep putting fresh gas in.

So far so good, hopefully my "luck" continues..... Oh yeah, did I say I start the sleds every couple weeks year round? I think that helps as well.

old abe

Well-known member
I carry a 8 oz. bottle of K100 with no matter the vehicle, in case of "bad" gasoline of any grade/blend. K100 is a cleaner, stabilizer, but it also boosts, enhances octane. My snowmobile/marine dealer put me onto K100, as he uses it at his business, and in his own. For normal use of preserve/stabilize I use Star Tron.
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Well-known member
Ok, sounds fair enough. I'm one of those guys that uses the approximate correct amount, not more than needed. I always run said item for a few minutes as well, after adding sta-bil to the gas so it mixes well, and gets through everything. Then FRESH gas topped off before starting the next season.

As for adding something to every tank, nah, I don't do that. If its going to get run in the next couple weeks, I just keep putting fresh gas in.

So far so good, hopefully my "luck" continues..... Oh yeah, did I say I start the sleds every couple weeks year round? I think that helps as well.

xcr440, I do the same. add a fuel stabilizer, run it into and through system and then also start at different times during the off season because the smaller ammount of fuel there is the faster things start to happen, so yes running things on occasion keeps fuel being refreshed in fuel lines, injectors and carburetors and like yourself i top off with fresh fuel at start of season. When I used to run carbureted sleds i would still pull my carbs,disassemble and clean them before the season.