Man, you guys need to chill out a bit! Because you paid your Michigan permit fee, that means every trail should be pristine, this early in the season? This is not an exact science, this grooming thing, with the weather, easements, lake crossing, insurance and liability concerns for the local clubs. Maybe you clowns should wait until after Christmas before you go getting all excited about some groomer driver that maybe gets paid minimum wage if he's lucky, and has to sit in a groomer for 8 hrs straight so you can have your phat azz backside all comfy. (sorry) I don't get all this indignation this early in the season, I really don't. Give the guys a chance, but by all means if you don't like it, find somewhere else to ride, maybe your backyard? Or don't buy a Michigan trail sticker next year, just take your chances with the DNR fines. Or better yet, next time find the groomer driver or the local club, and lodge your complaint in person. See how far that goes. Personally I think you have nothing to complain about given past years we haven't always had SNOW to ride on at this point.
Hope ya'all feel better now that you've heard the story from the flip side of the coin.