Now it's snowing


New member
Of coarse, I am packing to go up north for a week long trip and it starts snowing in southern WI. HAHA if thats what it takes to get snow on our trails I guess I should go north more often. LOL


Well-known member
a few more inches in SE wisco and I might bring the sleds back home and ride down here....another goofy winter with all of the systems staying to the SOUTH really blows!


The weather reports say it is not going to amount to much so you should not worry. On the other hand, how often are they wrong? Could this be the BIG one???


Well-known member
We have at least an inch of new this AM,....radar looks like another inch will follow,....
I bet this makes the guys in the LES belts LOL


New member
True, but when we have enough snow to ride from the driveway I can save the 4 to 14 hours in the truck,round trip.


New member
We need a good 4 more inches before I would take mine out down here. Hopefully by the time I get back. A few miles from my house there are some nice trails to ride.