NWS doing it again

Attak man

New member
Yesterday...NWS Green bay got me all excited about snow...they issued a Winter Weather advisory yesterday afternoon...with 2-4 inches of snow...JUST WHAT we needed to improve our trails....this morning it's been down graded to 1-3 inches...with more freezing drizzle than they originally forecast....and it looks like the heavier bands are going to be south of the area....(SMH)...it's to miss us again....this is just getting frustrating now.


Well-known member
No snowfall graphics match from various sources all over the place and calling for 1-4 somewhere in WI...lol... I'm going to wait this one out see what happens & more chances for snow during the week. It is what it is tuff year.
I think all weather people forecast out to far. Its funny to watch when they forecast 3 days out and then it doesn't happen. They need to stick to 1-2 days out and even then its tough to be correct. weather is tough to predict, its anyones guess, and they still get paid.


Active member
Same here...yesterday they said 2"-5", we are still in the advisory for 2-4" but when I type my zip code in it says less than 1".


New member
Seems like all the weather forecasters base their forecasts on computer models. What did they do before computers? EDUCATION and EXPERIENCE are a couple things.

I for one want Albert the Alley Cat back!


New member
This whole season has been a bust. Suck&*# winter for sure for most of us, but out of our control. The snow isn't finding me, I'm going to find the snow! Heading to the UP tomorrow morning for 4 days. Enough is enough!!


Well-known member
Seems like all the weather forecasters base their forecasts on computer models. What did they do before computers? EDUCATION and EXPERIENCE are a couple things.

I for one want Albert the Alley Cat back!
Haven't heard anyone mention Albert in years!!!!....LOL


Well-known member
I swear....weather forecasts were more accurate with way less hype back when they used a crayon, a map and a puppet for a sidekick!


Active member
I swear....weather forecasts were more accurate with way less hype back when they used a crayon, a map and a puppet for a sidekick!
Oh yes, just a piece of chalk and a chalkboard, like Michigan's classic, memorable, almost immortal (click →) Sonny Eliot (YouTube video 4 Min + 50 sec.) See also, "Detroit broadcasting legend dies at 91-years-old", (YouTube video 2 Min + 45 sec.)
From the Detroit Free Press, November 16, 2012: "Sonny Eliot, longtime Detroit broadcaster, dies at 91", quoted in part:
"While at what’s now Wayne State University, he took a class taught by Fran Striker, producer of "The Lone Ranger.” Eliot later wrote a script for the popular radio program.

"When World War II broke out, Eliot ended up as a B24 bomber pilot. He was shot down on a mission over Germany and taken as a prisoner of war.

"Eliot spent 18 months in a camp near Barth, Germany. He kept a scrapbook of his experience: It included glassine envelopes of coffee and tea from the camp; and pieces from his file, which he took from the German commandant’s office after the camp was liberated by Allied forces. His identification card had the word “Juden” scrawled across the bottom — indicating that his captors knew his religious heritage. Asked how he survived, he said: “I was too tough for them.”

"He returned home to participate in the revolutionary new medium of television.

"The first Detroit television broadcast took place on Oct. 23, 1946, when broadcasters and executives from the Evening News Association beamed a signal from an attic in the Penobscot Building to an office at the Detroit News headquarters on West Lafayette. Channel 4 went on the air with a regular five-day-a-week schedule on June 3, 1947."
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Active member
Part of Sonny Eliots routine was to pull the Keew Penn off the chalkboard and make a squeaking noise while twisting his finger on it to point out where AHH meek was.


Active member
Part of Sonny Eliots routine was to pull the Keew Penn off the chalkboard and make a squeaking noise while twisting his finger on it to point out where AHH meek was.

Yes indeedy, and his frequent weather forecasts for beautiful downtown "Enga-denga-ringa-dinga-dine" (Engadine, on M117, about a mile north of US-2; on a popular road route from St. Iggy toward M-28 and the dreaded "Seney stretch") too.

I always appreciated that ol' Sonny Eliot frequently included UP locations in his forecast, while other Detroit TV weathermen — even decades later — hardly seemed to know da UP even existed!