Official John Dee Snow Central Family Thread #168 (32,049)


New member
Here :)

Thanks Squat we needed a new one!

Pic is me n Jace on my b-day. Everyone have a great day!


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New member
Thanks Squat!

Man, the weekend forecast for our area does not look good at all!
Going to have to put some miles in on Friday, 'cause by Monday,
it looks to be All Gone. :eek:(
Thank goodness we got that 15 inches back in Early December.
It has been all we needed (so far) The "thaw" didn't really affect
our area, but a Day of Rain will Kill it.
What an extremely weird year.
Not everyone can afford to travel to the U.P. to see winter. :eek:(

Called in my Unemployment yesterday,.... and when the "menu" was completed,..
that old phrase " You Have Currently Exhausted All Your Benefits " was stated.
I "re-applied" a month ago, and still haven't heard from them. I "re-applied" "online",
and printed out the copy saying I HAVE re-applied,...and my 21 digit long UEC code,...
but trying to get to a "LIVE PERSON" is virtually impossible.
Just like landing a job. Too bad there isn't a "Dunkin' Donuts" around here,...
I could "get up early to make the donuts" LOL! (NOT!) UGH!

Hmmmmm,.... from Engineer,... to DJ, Panhandler,....
gotta drop the pounds,.... so I can go back to Chippendales! :eek:)

Pray for Winter to return!

I'll be at the TIKI,... Drinking the double-cafienated pot of coffee!



New member

Dude... Hang in there.

Weather here stinks big time. Been over 30 here for a couple weeks and not looking good till next week. Sad part is i'll be in the UP. Sad cus I need to find someone to clean mom's drive while i'm gone.......

Have a great one...


New member
Thanks for the new thread Squatty!!!

Vinners - DUDE that sucks! Jim had to reapply cuz he's 'benefit year' ended. When he reapplied, it cut his weekly benefit in HALF cuz they went back to July of 2008 to December 2008 when he was employed and used that as the basis. Yeah, of course if they use ony 6 months of wages it's gonna be A LOT LESS... stupid stupid stupid.

I've had an interview with a company, a phone interiview. Have a 2nd phone interview scheduled for next week. It would be a good job, but I have no excitement at all... I can't afford to get excited to be beat down again. The rollercoaster recovery is taking longer and longer lately. So I need to just keep it level.

Jim has some leads now... they are just leads, but at least he has them. He is looking at a big change... is getting away from the union labor crap and looking at a job that he would actually be working indoors and a regular schedule! We could actually SEE him everyday. That would be nice.

There will be no ride in for us. We wished and wished and hoped and prayed, but nothing came through. So we are skipping it this year. We are less than 50% for going to see Brad in February. Like I said before, I'd rather give up one season of riding than give up our sleds completely. So I'm gonna do what I can to hang onto the sleds and trailer NOW so I can ride next season.

Back to my homework!




I am not a big poster on this site but am on just about every day. I sure do hope that everyone that is looking for a job finds one this year. There is nothing worse than hearing about good people that want to work and just can't find anything. Everyone hang in there. Good things do happen to good people. It is not a matter of if, it is a matter of when.

BigVin- I sure do miss hearing you on the radio on my drives up to work on the lakeshore.


New member
Thanks Squat........
Hang in there BigVin!
How old is Skylar? LOL
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(You're gonna Catch me!) LOL!

UPDATE: Funny thing,.... for the 1st time EVER,.. I actually got through to a
REAL person down in Lower Michigan (about 15 minutes before they went home),....
and MY Extension went through! Whew!,.... I was nervous there. Rather have a
JOB,.... but at least a tiny peace of mind helps!

Off to rail the local trails!
Praying that winter will come back after this weekends predicted demise.

IBENDWIRE: Brotha, I miss being on the airwaves for ya! Any snow left down by You?

Tiki is all restocked for Skylars Birthday!


New member
Happy Birthday Skylar!!

Excited for next week but gonna miss all the peeps that can't make it this year.
Been very fortunate that i've kept all of my clients and business is doing good. Daycare is really been tough for a lot of people around here, lots of them have been closing due to lack of kids! Weird how I don't get any calls from people saying their daycare is closing, that tells you those poor folks had no business left.

Best wishes for all of you looking for a job!!! Hang in there, I can't imagine what your going through......

Love to my JD peeps!!



Active member
Kaboo wish we could make to the Ride In or you could make it on to Hulbert, still working on something for early march will let you know as soon as I do. Kelly say's she's ready to cut loose so Hulbert better watch out.HAHAHAHA


New member

Randy - that's good news! Now hopefully you'll hear back about an interview for a job!

This weather is making me sad - watching my snow go away :( hopefully we will get dumped on with snow - not rain. The rain, ice pellets and sleet yesterday made the roads a mess yet again. I just want winter please.........spring can show up in 3 months......

back to work.......Bradzoo - wish we could meet you guys in Hulbert! I'm ready to cut loose too - so I guess Hancock will just have to be on the lookout for me and Ali!! ROFL


New member
OMG - I just noticed - I only have 16 posts - that means this is 17. WOW! I know I didn't have a whole lot before the new board - but geeze - I had a lot more than this! hee hee hee


New member
BIGVIN! That is GREAT NEWS! Very happy to hear your extension was approved!!

Y'all have a blast at the ride in!!! Last year was SO MUCH FUN. I can't wait to see all the pictures and hear the stories!

Hey Mr. Ellis - Hopefully you don't get left out in the stickers this time!

Thanks Ibendwire!!! Glad to see you out here!

I'm just gonna hang out here and do homework!




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HAPPY BIRTHDAY SKYLAR! Darn, you're a young 'un! (Compared to me.)

It's almost quitting time! Yippee! I am looking forward to a weekend of vegging out. I should start putting stuff together for the Ride-in. I'm sure I will find some time for that at some point during the weekend.

BigVin - Glad you got the extension on your unemployment. It may not be a job, but it sure helps to have that little bit coming in (and I mean little bit!). Every little bit helps.

Bradzoo - Well, you and Kelly are going to have to put up with me in Hulbert. I just made a reservation today at the Tahquamenon Hotel. I will be coming up there on Friday and will leave on Monday. Now we just have to hope that it snows like crazy before President's Day and that it stays put over there.

Time to pack up and get out of this place.


New member

Put 106 miles on today locally. Everything in MY area was perfect,...
Most of the Trails West and South of 141,...YIKES,...
I sure hope we get more snow.

Got the letter back from that Test I took a couple weeks back.
I got 115 of the 135 questions correct! Therefore, I PASSED!,...
Now I am set for 2 years (any openings that occur),.... so , Now
I just have to hope for an interview. But at least I know I didn't fail.

Man, am I sore.
Getting old sucks! LOL!

Have a Great weekend Y'all!


Active member
Knew ya could Big Bro!!!

Congrats on the extension, now are ya gonna make it to Hulbert the snow is comin!!!!

Scoop glad ya got your reservations before they got completely booked up.HAHAHA

Well I been getting things ready to go, put 4 new tires and wheels on the 4 place and got the bearings packed so its ready, the 2 place is ready, Muckster is gonna pull that, put a set of hand guards on Kelly's sled and a new windshield on mine, still need to get a drivers side mirror for mine haven't replaced it since I broke it off in Newberry 2 years ago, boy havin the shoulder surgery sure did put me behind. I also got my new 509 goggles for the Fly helmet I got at the snow show


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