Official John Dee Snow Central Family Thread #168 (32,049)


New member
For crying out loud! lol

This will be fun. My friend Brian and his, well lets just say his rod locker (girlfriend) was going but its now up in the air. So just me i guess.

Also Kaboolie, my friend Jodi and I are going to Berglad at the Walleye lodge on March 3rd to the 7th if anyone is intrested...


New member

Your right them dumb butts don't know what their missing not hiring you! Sounds like a fun weekend with your boys :)

As for the ride-in next year there's hope no promises but still hope.


New member
Hey Julie...thanks!! It's been a long time since I came on here but have been going thru alot of crap. Everything is going to be good tho.
I wish you luck on your job hunt...keep up your good attitude!!!
I'll check in later.
Hope everyone is doing well.

You guys have fun on your trip to Hulburt!!! I know you guys are going to have a blast!!
Ride safe!!
Take care,


New member
Deb H!!! Honey - I didn't know what happened to you!!! I've been getting returned emails for a while now! Glad to see you are alright! Shoot me a "private message" on here - or something so I can get your new email address!!! I hope all is well for you......we all understand.....just glad to see you are still around!!!

Squat, Bradzoo, Larry, Serena and the rest of the crew..........what can I say - I'm so jealous........I wish I could be there to hang with you guys @ Shirley's with Biskit! But that's not in the works - hopefully we'll be riding again yet this year!!!!!

Serena - honey - I'll let you know when girls weekends are planned for 2010 - hopefully 2 times again this year! I'm holding you to joining us - you can't get out of it!!!!!!! :eek:)

OK - I'm tired - had a fun "shopping" party tonight. Who knows - at this rate - I might just start selling the stuff too!!!


New member
Andie....Thank you so much!! I'm still around and better than ever!! Let me tell ya!!! Life is good...just gotta get to living it now finally!!! No more puttin' up with BS!! :)
I wish I was going with those guys to Hulburt...those peeps are like family!! Make sure you guys stop by Strongs Gen. Store for your gas n stuff and just to say "HI"!!! Love that Red Hat Lady n Steve!!! And yes, Jer, Meliss, Marg, Shirley and you know Everyone else UP there that we love!!! You guys take care and ride safe!!! :)
Take care and have a great day!!!


Active member
I need to see Steve and Pat thats about the only place I'll buy gas, wish you could make it up there with us Deb, take care


New member
Hey All! Squat started a new thread! He sneaks them in at the butt crack of dawn and he doesn't tell us on the old one...

But that's okay... He's prepping his butt for a few COP A SQUATS so he's preoccupied.

