oil box not working


Well-known member
first let me say I cant believe BP was not using 2 blow off valves like every other drilling company in the golf but hay a few campaign contributions go a long way now days.I guess they are 500k per valve.well the box is not working and they had to move it what are your Ideas to stop this thing?why not leave the box on and start dumping rock over it could at least slow it down or else send a missile down the shaft to blow it and hope the pressure from a mile down collapses the shaft.or send the guy who gave the waver a wet suit and a few cinder blocks tied to his feet down to shut the valve or would that be racist.lets see if any garage enginers [INDY}have ideas
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New member
How much pipe is sticking out of the ground? And how big is it? Could they make a big pincher and just clamp it off? I know the local gas company can do this on gas mains that have no shut off valves.


New member
Drill baby Drill!! It's the answer to everything...ah, I mean...well...it used to be. (Now what did I do wit daht banner...must be around here sumwhere!)


Well-known member
I will still say drill baby drill ! what are the other options load tankers with cash and drive them to Saudi and trade them for tankers of oil that could just as easily have a accent.the ? is is why no environmental impact study that always concludes with having to run 1 automatic blow off valve and 1 remote control valve only one corp is exempt oh that's right it goes back to campaign bribes and who has received more than any other politician?the most unqualified man in any room B-O.and if you dont think we need to drill off shore then every time you go some place stop the car after you go 75% the way there and walk the rest of the way.
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New member
total scripted terrorist action to stop any offshore drilling here and keep up buying foreign oil! So much oil is being pumped out of the ground the earth is getting knocked off it axis and causing all these earthquakes! whoever has the oil in the end wins! GO SHARKS!!


New member
I will still say drill baby drill ! what are the other options load tankers with cash and drive them to Saudi and trade them for tankers of oil that could just as easily have a accent.the ? is is why no environmental impact study that always concludes with having to run 1 automatic blow off valve and 1 remote control valve only one corp is exempt oh that's right it goes back to campaign bribes and who has received more than any other politician?the most unqualified man in any room B-O.and if you dont think we need to drill off shore then every time you go some place stop the car after you go 75% the way there and walk the rest of the way.

Well, hope you like your sea food coated with oil then....no need to take oil to the beach, it is already there. Get used to this...then.

OR....we could get BACK to using natural gas, and get electric going, and then get pushing on hydrogen...or

we can drill baby drill....wonder if you float higher in the water with oil under, around and over you?? Or stick with the only show in town...and grin when they shuv it up your smile'n cheeks!


Well-known member
well if the above things were viable sources of fuel and can run without gov funding them .how about letting the power companies build some nuclear plants I say yes.we are sitting on more Coal in this country than the rest of the world has oil but we better not use it.better not drill on the north slope in the winter because that would disrupt a heard of caribou.don't think about drilling in national parks the Horne nose owl would get mad.don't build a dam that will kill some fish. how will you run a electric car when they shut down most of the coal plants and you cant do any of the above?better get the walking shoes out.would it be nice if the worlds energy could be harnessed from hugs but that is not going to happen so in the time being use every option available that dose not require government subsidies to succeed.this spill sucks the big one yes but it could have been avoided with a bit less payoffs and 1 remote control valve.the Alaska spill sucked also I was up there after that happened and it was bad,my old man lost a ton of cash that season moved operation north for a few yrs.lots of animals died it was tragic should we have stopped shipping oil in tankers that day?well I say yes but not for the reasons you think if the fed would let a refinery be built in AK they would be shipping gas and that could be burnt off but that is a diff topic
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Well-known member
and I am not sure ubys 1st point is inaccurate 1st thing I thought of days before opening deep sea continental shelf drilling


New member
total scripted terrorist action to stop any offshore drilling here and keep up buying foreign oil! So much oil is being pumped out of the ground the earth is getting knocked off it axis and causing all these earthquakes! whoever has the oil in the end wins! GO SHARKS!!

Not necessarily...whoever gets off of oil addition and moves to other sources that are NOT monopolized, will win in the long haul. Short term maybe, but aren't your cheeks gett'n chapped a bit already? Like handing money over faster than they can print it to a country that wants to kill you and take your land?

We need off this merry-go-round...and personally I would be the first to run over to a steam engine driven machine before I spend one more nickle on oil driven equipment.

This is ALL about priorities and how we look at it. Once we decide and pay the piper to get off the lubricating table, will be the first day we get a glimpse of our kids not taken the shaft.

And....a little walkin ain't gunna harm anyone, and probably get that fat belly of yours a bit flatter so you won't have to suck it up when a pretty thing walks by.


As far as getting the oil to stop gushing out they are going to have to drill a hole or holes to get to the gas that is pressurizing the oil. It is the gas that is forcing the oil out. It is the only permanent fix. As far as future energy build more nukes to handle electrical needs. Get rid of some of the EPA foolishness and let us run 50 plus mpg turbodiesel cars like they have been doing in Europe for decades. Put more $ into battery development and figure out better solar tech. Also build a 250 hp Yami four stroke that weighs 300 lbs. Then life would really be good.


New member
Are you kidding me....I mean come on...let's get real here....you KNOW it isn't possible...in fact not even something that anyone can envision at this moment. We can put a man on the moon, split atoms, and teach ERA how to type and spell (well sort of....), but there is no possible way to get a Yamaha down to 300 pounds....


Sorry, moose. You are probably right. It's Monday. I'm always a little fuzzy on Mondays.


New member
BP says, "As much as 5,000 barrels per day is escaping..."

Let's see; now that we have seen the leak on camera...seems perhaps BP is under estimating a bit...

Looks like a bit more than 12.5 gallons per minute to me....maybe 50 gallons per minute a closer to reality number....

What a mess....drill baby drill!


Well-known member
looks like they have some kind of mile long hose stuck in the hole I don't know why that wound not freeze when a huge steel box with a hose froze but I hope it works.