OK John--Enough is enough!!


New member
Your forecast everyday displays that same discouraging word-"UNCHANGED". Please show us snow lovers some love and bring us some positive news regarding the weather. PPPPLLLLLLLLEEEEEEEAAAAAASSSSSEEEE!!!!!!!! I'm asking nicely. Man, this is a depressing start. I'm really starting to suffer from LOSD (Lack Of Snow Disorder). We ALL need to pray, do the snow dance, empty the ice from our freezers on the trail.......something. Do whatever ritual it is you do to beckon the white gold. There's strength in numbers folks!!

With that being said, thanks for all you do John. You are the "King" in your field, and I look forward to checking in everyday throughout the winter to see what the weather will be (whether good:) or bad:(). I think I can speak for all of us on here when I say we've had enough bad. Let's see what we can do about changing our early season misfortunes.

Happy Holidays to all, and to all a good white!!!!!


Staff member
Yea, pretty discouraging, but I think we all need to keep in mind that it's only Dec 16th. A lot of businesses are not even open, or open only on weekends up here for another week, so we are still early in the game.

Hopefully there will be a change to talk about soon and I can start using more blue, pink and yellow on my maps.



New member
I wish i had my snow cam up it snowed darn good here all day yesterday and eve! (cam coming soon, switching from Vista to Win 7 John) I had a friend that was bring a group of 15 from the Wauconda but cancelled due to low snow........... Well on a good note ski resorts are making plenty of snow.


If this trumps all thaws from Jan on then I'll be totally happy. If we get the Jan thaw before we even have ride-able snow then I predict some pretty good deals on used sleds coming!


so in 2010, Minnesota and Wisconsin had more tornadoes than Texas...to get back at us this year they decided to steal all our snow?


New member
Time to take matters in our own hands. I'm heading home to pull the Harley and golf clubs out of storage, and gonna set them prominently in the driveway, so mother nature can have a good look. Anytime we get hepped up to do something, she throws us a curveball, and puts a wrench in our plans. If she thinks I'm getting ready to swing the clubs and hit the open road, you can bet we'll get dumped on. Mother Nature is certainly a fickle, crotchety ole' woman sometimes!


New member
I bought another sled yesterday and tonight I'm going to start it & the other 3 sleds in my herd. My plan is to do some "cloud seeding" with a little 2-stroke exhaust particulates.