One more for 4000 Indy


Well-known member

First JD'er to 4,000

Coolest kid in the world

Someone should buy his sled because he wants you to
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New member
heck with the Daytona 500 We got the INDY500 and Polarisrider1 duels and its getting very racy lol HAVE AT IT BOYS!!!!! BOOGITY BOOGITY BOOGITY LET"S GO POSTING BOYS!!!!!!!


New member
Now if u each had 4000 miles on sleds in one season????

I. Actually ride 4000 to 4500 miles ea. Yr. When I was a trail rider. Now I ride off trail about 1500 to 2500 miles per yr. Including the trails to get off trail. My high mile mark for 1 season is 5683 miles back in 01 on my 01 800. XCSP. Got hooked on Canada snow loop riding for a few years. I prefer quality miles now over quantity. Next stop Island Park, ID. Real soon, Tog. At hill climb week? Could be.

Indy how's it going there at the top?
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