Oneida County update (Northern Wisconsin)

Attak man

New member
I did post this in the Trail Conditions page...but I think more of you will see it here. I know many of you want to get out there and ride...but the clubs are dealing with a real mess up here..the wet areas, and swamps, are full and not freezing up very well with all of our heavy snow...also lots of trees, and limbs came down with our recent storms...All the clubs are working non stop to try and get these trails open before Christmas. (cutting, brushing again, and packing wet areas)
Snow is definately not an issue, getting wet areas packed, and waiting for lakes to freeze up is the main concern....Lakes are not safe in many areas at this time (and trails may open without some of them being marked). Also another issue is a BONUS hunt is on going...and the clubs are staying off private lands that may have hunting going on (we do not want to piss off land owners)...So we must wait until that bonus hunt is over to clean up some areas, which is also part of the delay.

Again these clubs have quite a mess to deal with (in Vilas and Oneida), so be patient. They are busting their butts out there, sun up to sundown where they can.

Here is the latest notice from Oneida County:

December 12, 2019

Public Service Announcement

DATE: December 12, 2019

TO: News Media (And Other Interested Persons)

FROM: Oneida County Forestry Department RE: Update of the Oneida County Snowmobile Trail System

Snowmobile trails in Oneida County remain closed until further notice.

Currently, the snowmobile clubs are working on making sure the trails are clear of downed trees and packing the trails to ensure they are ready and safe for public use.

Once Oneida County has confirmation that ALL ten clubs have completed their inspections, we will send out a press release announcing the opening date/time for the 2019/20 snowmobile season.

Contact Information:

Oneida County Forestry Department, 715-369-6140
Oneida County Snowmobile Council President, Jim Wendt 715-891-1610

Attak man

New member
Not trying to be a debbie downer..but I don't think some of you realize how bad some areas really are...for example...we had two club members out last sunday... cutting and brushing for 12 hours...on one section of trail south of Tomahawk...15 miles took 12 hours to clear. That being said..guys have been out all week, sun up to sun down working on trails.. we have several much larger crews heading out today. I can not speak for other clubs in Vilas and Oneida County, but am hearing much of the same from them.

old abe

Well-known member
Not trying to be a debbie downer..but I don't think some of you realize how bad some areas really are...for example...we had two club members out last sunday... cutting and brushing for 12 hours...on one section of trail south of Tomahawk...15 miles took 12 hours to clear. That being said..guys have been out all week, sun up to sun down working on trails.. we have several much larger crews heading out today. I can not speak for other clubs in Vilas and Oneida County, but am hearing much of the same from them.

Attack thanks so much for this very pertinent info!


Being a member of this club, I received a notice directly from Vilas Cty., Eagle River Sno-Eagles yesterday.
15" base on trail, 24" in the woods - trails will open Dec. 20th.

Trust me, there IS that much snow, I've already shoveled my garage and cottage roof. I'm 3/4 mile north of trail 70W, and 4 miles west of ER.

Attak man

New member
Being a member of this club, I received a notice directly from Vilas Cty., Eagle River Sno-Eagles yesterday.
15" base on trail, 24" in the woods - trails will open Dec. 20th.

Trust me, there IS that much snow, I've already shoveled my garage and cottage roof. I'm 3/4 mile north of trail 70W, and 4 miles west of ER.

How are the wet areas up by you?? Yeah...lack of snow certainly isn't the issue.


How are the wet areas up by you?? Yeah...lack of snow certainly isn't the issue.

I'd bet the area around 10W at the Wisc River will be overflow and not open or groomed, but with the latest cold snap, I'm sure it helped.
I haven't walked the trails at all, but I don't have standing water around the house. I'm up high though, and it all drains to the lake, so not sure this comment is meaningful.


New member
Snow-Eagles have been out every day for the past 7-8 days clearing trails. Really bad out there. Was told tonight Eagle river trails will be inspected Monday.
We have snow-aplenty. Late January stuff.


I was up working in the Willow area brushing clearing trails of trees. Here is Fuzzy's report
12/11/19WOW! What a great turn out we had for the brushing last weekend. I can not thank the 20 people who showed up to help enough. We were able to get thru all of the trails and we are now ready for opening. We were able to split up into three different groups and get all trails ridable. Thankfully, it wasn't quite as bad as I'd expected, but definitely needed to be gone thru so that trails would be safe for riders. Again, I CAN NOT THANK THESE PEOPLE ENOUGH! We all owe them a thanks. If all goes well with the other 9 clubs, we could be open on Wed. Dec. 18. Vilas is opening Dec 20. Cross our fingers all gets cleaned up.Fuzzy


New member
This past Friday I heard Conover, Sayner, and Arber Vitae had not cleared trails yet. I do know the havoc in the woods with downed trees and brush has been a huge challenge. Snow-Eagles trails are ready---inspection today! Just 3 weeks before the vintage races at the Derby.
Has Oneida county officially posted their opening day? I had heard it was this Friday, but wondering if that is official yet.


New member
According to tv reports, Friday Onieda and Vilas are opening. I can only confirm that Vials is counting on Friday.