Oneida/Lincoln update 1/31


Well-known member
Once again heavy traffic has taken a toll.....the trails in around the heavy traffic areas (in town, and railroads grades) are fair to poor with lots of snirt and sugar snow....there is still some good riding to be had..(Harrison Hills, and Willow region)..but you will probably have to ride some thin snirty trails to get there.
We simply need more snow...but there is NONE in the forecast for the next 7 to 10 days (nothing significant anyways).

The cold weather has kept what we have...but there has been too much heavy traffic and little to no refreshing shots of snow.

There just isn't much to say...we need SNOW. an for plowed roads on the area lakes...tons of ice fishermen out there and the lakes are rough.

Trails are rideable...but that's about it...I won't be updating this until we get a good shot of snow..unfortunately if the heavy weekend traffic continues, without fresh snow, these trails will be toast (great for the businesses, sucks for us riders who live here)


Well-known member
It got real soft out there too with warm temps, today,and yesterday...mother nature not cooperating, and the heaviest traffic I have seen up here in 3 years...great for the businesses...happy for them...but deep down kinda bummed at how pounded out the trails are (with no fresh snow)
Not much anyone can do about the lack of snow. Clubs do a fantastic job working with what they have. Only can do so much. High traffic is a testament of how awesome the area is and how welcome you locals make us feel...well at least the ones deserving it anyway.
Once again heavy traffic has taken a toll.....the trails in around the heavy traffic areas (in town, and railroads grades) are fair to poor with lots of snirt and sugar snow....there is still some good riding to be had..(Harrison Hills, and Willow region)..but you will probably have to ride some thin snirty trails to get there.
We simply need more snow...but there is NONE in the forecast for the next 7 to 10 days (nothing significant anyways).

The cold weather has kept what we have...but there has been too much heavy traffic and little to no refreshing shots of snow.

There just isn't much to say...we need SNOW. an for plowed roads on the area lakes...tons of ice fishermen out there and the lakes are rough.

Trails are rideable...but that's about it...I won't be updating this until we get a good shot of snow..unfortunately if the heavy weekend traffic continues, without fresh snow, these trails will be toast (great for the businesses, sucks for us riders who live here)
Thanks attack man we arrived in tomahawk Tuesday evening late but got up early Wednesday am and hit the trails headed over to Harrison, on 16, took the scenic loop off of 16 stopped at winding trail for lunch and headed back to tomahawk, played around on lake Alice and you nailed it on the lakes lots of shacks, plowed roads and rough, but the knight owl trails were nothing short of awesome white and snowy and flat with few bumps, thought we were going to head west today but so many more loops and trails to hit toward Harrison and we know for the most part things are good that way so decided to go back that way and do some more exploring. Waiting for it to warm up a bit and then heading out today, we are taking advantage of it because it may be our last chance as it looks like no snow in the forecast in the near future and the sun has some btus to it this time of year, my thought is if you can get out and ride this weekend do it or you may have to wait till next year, happy trails everyone.


New member
Are their any recommendations on where to park the trailer for the day in Lincoln county?


Are their any recommendations on where to park the trailer for the day in Lincoln county?
There is a park and ride right off of 51 at county S exit, that's posted on the map as a park and ride There are usually a few rigs parked there on the weekends. Attackman might have some additional info.
Any updates for Oneida/Rhinelander area? Leaving Weds for the rest of the week and hopeful that there's some good riding to be had. Did they get any snow the past few days? Wasn't sure if the freezing rain that occurred here last night went as far north as there. Looks like there's some snow in forecast for after we're there. Just hoping we don't have to trailer to find more snow if we don't have to. Thanks in advance.


Well-known member
Main spurs through any town and railroad grades are in rough shape....lots of sugar snow and snirt...get out and away from towns, and high traffic areas...and the trails get whiter, and can still find some decent riding..its getting to it that's a little tough...the snow has had the moisture beat out of it the last 3 weeks with heavy traffic across the northwoods..we did get a little over 2 inches of snow over the weekend...not enough to heal everything up...but every little bit helps...we need 4 to 6 inches of wet snow...but there just isn't much in the forecast.


Well-known member
There is a park and ride right off of 51 at county S exit, that's posted on the map as a park and ride There are usually a few rigs parked there on the weekends. Attackman might have some additional info.
You nailed it...not much more to say...its a park and ride, and people do use it...some folks don't like to leave there rigs there as it's not secure (no cameras etc)...however..Lincoln County does patrol it often...I personally call resorts, and offer a little cash to park for the weekend (some will let ya, and some wont)...I just feel better about doing that, more secure


New member
I am just looking to park for the day. Not familiar with this area. Where abouts is county S ?


Active member
There is also another directly north of Tomahawk and right off the trail at the Wayside at the intersection of County A and Hwy 8... the trail starts at the bar adjacent to the lot.... super easy to find....