out WEST- $835 - Transportation, Lodging & Meals


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MomsMotorSports.Com Season Schedule 2011/12

$835, package deal.....

*Transportation of you, your sled, your gear and tools.

Departing from Michigan and picking up along the route out west.

5th-14th Sturgis, SD - Bike Week

9th-16th Glamis, CA - Sand Dunes
Michigan to CA
75 Toys
40 Riders $1100
(details below)

10th-16th Ten Mile, WY

8th-13th Lava Mountain

22nd-27th Cooke City, MT

5th-10th Island Park, ID(West Yellowstone)

12th-17th Cooke City, MT

19th-24th Lava Mountain, WY

26th-March 1st Ten Mi;le, WY

Island Park, ID(West Yellowstone)

18th-23rd Island Park, ID(West Yellowstone)

1st-6th Ten Mile, WY

15th-20th Ten Mile, WY


New member
Correction. Sturgis trip is Aug. 7th to 14th, $275 transportation only. Sturgis trip lodging and meals not included.
Lava Mtn. Trip is at east end of Tog. Riding area, but you can ride all of Tog. area, just different lodging and meals location. I have stayed at Lava and Tog. Lava is more laid back and friendly. I have not cared for Tog. Since Aramark took over.
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New member
Are the dates above open ? & where do I jump on the short bus in MN? Along I 90 I guess

The only trips booked so far are the March trip to Island Park and the Early April Trip to Ten Mile Inn. Pick ups depend on the Route, and where your located. The Jan trip to Cooke City only has room for 3 riders and 3 sleds.
Rest of the trips have plenty of room, Check out the web site, http://www.momsmotorsports.com/Transportation_Adventures.html


New member
hey Im not sure when you guys tried Tog Lodge last? but Aramark had a few things to straighten out and they have done a great job with the change...The first year had a few problems I was there last year cpl times and things went smooth as heck, great people running the place!!!Derick on the snow side can not be beat great guy will go the xtra mile to make sure your trip is all you expect as for the lodge sometimes you just need to talk with the right people Im sure if you bring a truck load of people you will get a huge discount..........Disneyland for sledders......


New member
Im sure if you bring a truck load of people you will get a huge discount.

ya, you would think huh?

Just tried it last season. The service has recovered, I love the lodge, most of the staff are great too. And I absolutely love the riding area. But the price is not competitive.


New member
Yep, my buddy lives about 3 miles from there. :)

Well, don't wait for said buddy. Just have him drop you off to meet the rig.
Below are the package calculations and payment terms. I have broken the payment for the trip into three amounts.

Transportation and Lodging Payment Terms

$150 Deposit

$445 Earnest Payment due 45 days prior to departure.

$240 Fuel surcharge paid upon pick up (estimated)

(example calculation @$4 fuel and 5 night stay)

45 days gives us ample time to try to refill the spot should you not be able to make the trip. Also, if you cancel and we refill the spot, we will issue a full refund on the deposit(150).

*Package Pricing Calculations
Should the price of diesel change drastically, this equation will be used to calculate the cost of transportation. Package transportation cost is subject to increase due to fuel costs.Package transportation cost is calculated as ($220+60 gallons of fuel at market price.)

Example: Market average for diesel in the Rocky Mountatin Region on 4/30 is $4.02 per gallon.

Transportation cost is 220+(60x4)=$440.

Lodging is calculated at $75 per night, per person. If lodging on the trip is 5 nights. The calculated cost is then $75 x # of nights lodging(5). $75 X 5 = $375
We may arrive early to some destinations. In that case you will be responsible for your breakfast the first morning. Lodging will be arranged at discounted rates if we arrive early enough. The additional lodging may cost of $35-$45.

*Estimated Total Cost Calculation
Transportation $440
Lodging $375
Total= $835


New member
Another fantastic trip with Moms. Planning next bike trip with them soon. Totally looking forward to the winter trips I have booked. Rick, Paula and Jacob do a fine job.


I have booked me first trip with Mom's. I was never able to find others willing to venture. Now i have others to join me. Look forward to Idaho in March.


March 18-23. Three of us for starters. In mountain riding skill levels, I have been out west twice and ride off trail frequently. One other guy out west once and off trail somewhat. And the third is my 20 year old son very inexperienced, he will probably get hurt. Looking forward to geep snow. The Flatlanders video looks great.