Pat's Motorsports


Well-known member
I am loosing my marbles and was hoping they would pull one off 1 of the 60 Ski Doo's still in the crate. They gave me a rental sled a few weekends which was nice but such a hassle because I would have to load it up on Sunday and bring it back. We would normally get up early on Sundays and go for a ride for lunch then get back to the house and pack up to head back to the work house. Hard to do that when you got to bring the rental back. My other big fear is they aren't bothering with the sled not waking up in the cold and now we are getting to a point we may not have really cold weather anymore. I won't find out until next winter that they haven't resolved that issue and be without my sled next winter trying to fix that issue. I am going there tomorrow and ask them face to face about the wake up. The answer they give me tomorrow will determine if they ever get my business again.
Hermie, who’s the dealer if I may ask? You can pm if you want. Thanks


Well-known member
Ya I don’t want to go there either. Definitely could have helped you with a part off a sled in the crate that won’t sell to next season. 🤷‍♂️
Yep, don’t want to get into that up here. Dealers don’t need that and if they bring it upon themselves then that’s their issue. Business is hard enough to come by. You’re either good or you’re not in my opinion.