Peer Pressure and Your Sled Choice


Well-known member
OK, I'm looking for the straight scoop here.

I'm curious about the amount of peer pressure you've experienced regarding your choice of sled brands, whether it be from friends, relatives, whomever, and whether or not it had an effect. This pressure can range from good nature'd ribbing to downright mean-spirited comments - I've experienced both.

I ask because I came from Polaris country and owned Polaris for many years but switched to another brand (Ski-Doo) in 2004. Even though I felt that at the time, the Doo's were ahead of the game, it did cross my mind that I was going to be crucified the first time I took them north (and I was).

Fortunately the Doo's have performed flawlessly for six seasons and thank goodness for that. If they hadn't I would have never have heard the end of it. I'm not particularly brand loyal anymore and I get the feeling that a lot of you aren't but sometimes this attitude isn't well received.


New member
cottage grove is polaris country? I do not know many Polari riders here in town more cat guys than anything.....

My influence was a 1996 cougar that went well over 15,ooomiles with little to no work or care!!!thing would not die....


Well-known member
cottage grove is polaris country? I do not know many Polari riders here in town more cat guys than anything.....

Firecatguy, you're such a stickler for detail, LOL. Before I moved to prestigious Cottage Grove I lived in Lake of the Woods, Koochiching, and Beltrami counties - definitely Polari country. BTW, impressive mileage on that Cougar (I'll resist any other Cougar comments).
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Well-known member
I was never influenced by anyone else. My first new sled was an '89 Exciter, that sled alone influenced me to never by a Yamaha again, lol.


New member
OK, I'm looking for the straight scoop here.

I'm curious about the amount of peer pressure you've experienced regarding your choice of sled brands, whether it be from friends, relatives, whomever, and whether or not it had an effect. This pressure can range from good nature'd ribbing to downright mean-spirited comments - I've experienced both.

I ask because I came from Polaris country and owned Polaris for many years but switched to another brand (Ski-Doo) in 2004. Even though I felt that at the time, the Doo's were ahead of the game, it did cross my mind that I was going to be crucified the first time I took them north (and I was).

Fortunately the Doo's have performed flawlessly for six seasons and thank goodness for that. If they hadn't I would have never have heard the end of it. I'm not particularly brand loyal anymore and I get the feeling that a lot of you aren't but sometimes this attitude isn't well received.

Really? Really!?! You would think that any mature adult would let another mature adult make their own decisions. Yes, I agree that a little ribbing is/can be expected when switching brands, but down right mean spirited discussions are just sad. Shows how good of friends you really have.


Well-known member
my first sled was a cat a 1972 kitty rode them kitty lynx puma till I was 11 then got a brand new enticer was like a caddy compared to the bogie wheel cats .I have owned all of the big 4 usually went with the fastest at the time has been cats for yrs.every time I switch I get spanked with a prob sled
ultra/formula 3/mxz/94 vmax every time. so now I toe the line and if a bud gets something better /faster from a diff name I call on my drag buds we quietly work on whatever I am riding at the time and the next trip the pie holes are shut.nothing like killing a bud on a 800 with a 6 or 7 with witnesses.they all make good sleds now days but with out competition and the ribbing that goes with it we would all still be riding leaf spring fan 300s and liking it


Super Moderator
Staff member
Peer pressure? Really? Not a chance of that here, besides I feel that all four companies provide a quality machine. Good natured teasing is one thing but if it's nasty or mean, give me a call, I'll ride with you.



New member
my first sled was a cat a 1972 kitty rode them kitty lynx puma till I was 11 then got a brand new enticer was like a caddy compared to the bogie wheel cats .I have owned all of the big 4 usually went with the fastest at the time has been cats for yrs.every time I switch I get spanked with a prob sled
ultra/formula 3/mxz/94 vmax every time. so now I toe the line and if a bud gets something better /faster from a diff name I call on my drag buds we quietly work on whatever I am riding at the time and the next trip the pie holes are shut.nothing like killing a bud on a 800 with a 6 or 7 with witnesses.they all make good sleds now days but with out competition and the ribbing that goes with it we would all still be riding leaf spring fan 300s and liking it

we must be close in I started with a 60s suzuki then we really up graded to new enticer 300 in 80 great sleds...then an 89 XL5 nice sled friend got a blizzard 6700 that thing ripped


Active member
I have been taking a ton of ribbing!! I have been a Polaris rider all my life and because of a great deal and knowing the sled was recommended by a friend I now have a Yamaha and BOY is our group of Polaris friends giving me the what for!! It's ok :) this nice 4 stroke 1000 is going to make me a pretty happy girl, so I can take the ribbing!! I'll be smiling at every gas stop too!!


New member
I guess at this point in my life , I'm more interested in not getting hurt, or saving face after some manufacturers machine gets the best of me ( LOL ). I must admit I would talk crap with the best of them, back in my late 20's or early 30's ... as I reflect , I'm not sure how that even started. Must have been my " ego " ! I have found most people are run by their " ego " instead of controling it like a well rounded mature human being should.

The only comment that still bothers me " your grand father ( aka Dr Kawasaki ) is rolling over in his grave " with you owning all those NON cats .... that 1 is courtesy of my uncle " UB ". Artic Cat has family ties that go way back to the 60's. What really has been passed on was the love of snowmobiling.


New member
I have one buddy in particular who gets goofy about ski-doo. He thinks doo is the only sled out there. I agree, all four make a good product and wouldn't hessitate to buy any one of them. I rode poo for many years, then after rebuilding my Ultra motor a dozen or so times, I bought a new '01 doo. I had a blast on that thing. Pretty much trouble free and sold it with 7500 mi. It's still running today. Then I bought my current sled, '07 Blizzard, I love this sled. But, lately I've been interested in trying a 4s and have been thinking yammi. I may have leaned to the doo from influance from my bud, but I will make up my own mind for what I choose to ride/buy.


Well-known member
Not really too concerned with what other people think. As noted, I'm pretty sure all 4 manufacturers have good products, as well as a few things that probably aren't or weren't so good. I just prefer to stick with the one that I know and have parts for! (I can't afford new, yet)


Well-known member
Don't care I ride whatever I think is best for me which is Yam now & has been since 2008. I have had them all over the years some have been real good others not so good for me. It would be nice if Yam lost some weight just for horsing around trailer but other than that Attak has been a great sled for me. I always buy 150hp+ top of line but don't need more than that in 4s power band. I think I could be happy in 140hp 4s zone but would need to push 136 or 144 track & get 18-20 miles to the gallon to drop down in HP. 4s engines last many miles so not sure why & when I should upgrade. I guess I'll know when released & I have test ride. :)


New member
I agree that the any of the big 4 have goods points and bad points. My wife and I have been riding Skidoo for a long time. We have so much Doo apparel, accessories, trinkets and crap I can't afford to switch brands and start over.


Well-known member
I agree that the any of the big 4 have goods points and bad points. My wife and I have been riding Skidoo for a long time. We have so much Doo apparel, accessories, trinkets and crap I can't afford to switch brands and start over.

Rode my Yam with doo clothing then bought everything in basic black non OEM brand. Trouble is you can't get squat for used snomo coats & bibs so keep them for wrenching, give away or hand down. I have been giving stuff away to those who don't have stuff. Seems to me some organization should hold a snomo clothing swap like they do for used skis. I would move some stuff & buy some stuff win/win for everyone.:)


New member
I HAD a buddy that is a die hard cat guy, to the point when I got an 02 Doo he wouldnt even take it for a ride. After that and watching all the problems he had with his cats I said I would never buy one because I dont like braking down and I didnt want to fall into the trap of having attitude like him. I know several cat guys that all act like that but after owning several revs and letting them ride mine, I have converted SOME of them and there catitudes. I have owned all brands and just seem to like the Doo's the best, but I am signed up to ride in the Polaris factory demo ride in February. Who knows maybe I will change brands again.


Staff member
I think some of the problems are that a person will talk up "their" brand for so long, they think their identity is tied into that brand and if they jump ship, then something was wrong with them all those years they rode their "brand'.

As for the question at hand, I have not had much pressure, not enough friends.

My favorite brand is PolArcDooAha



New member
I like your answer John, I guess that you need to get out more to find atleast a couple friends. lol

I ride what I feel comfrotable on and what I have seen has the least amount of problems, if someone else doesnt like my choice then they dont have to ride with me.

A bit of ribbing is fine but as my last post showed in the beginning, if it gets down to downright nasty comments then I have no problem moving on to new friends. Heck sounds like John might need a few.


One day in Mercer I was suiting up to go, pulled on my Polaris bibs,guy asked, what kinda Polaris ya got ? I said, dont ride Polaris, after which I put on my Doo mod 2 helmet, guy says ,oh you ride a Ski Doo, I laughed and said NO ,but this Cat I have sure is fast, all I needed was a Yami coat and I could go any direction.