pic where i rode in herman today


New member
Geez all I did is put up some pics I didn't promote the area for everyone to come ride.Or did I know it as top secret as area 51.For the people I ticked off I'm sorry.As for the people who has never been there and is thinking about going because of this thread like I posted above alot of private land and most likely you'll be trespassing.


Most of the land up there is owned by logging companies. There is just a little amount of land owned by regular people in that area.

AKA private property.

Most of the land owned by logging companies are in the Commercial Forest Act (CFA). The place most of the land in the CFA for a tax break. I don't know all the ins and outs, but you can look it up online I am sure.

ill marty

New member
One time we were riding in herman , we were on a unplowed road taking a break . Some guys rode up to us asked us if we wanted a beer . I was gun hoe but my riding buddy was a little leary. They had a camp just off the main road . This cabin the guy made was awesome , Had a log cabin sauna . He had 80 acres , he cut road in his property the snow was waist deep . We rode his property for a couple hours i will never forget it. I have been riding in the up for 15 years all over in the backcountry . Sometimes you run into people. I have never had a hard time with any land owner usually just the opposite they invite me back . How you handle yourself has alot to do with your problems with land owners. I dont like to ride in huge groups just two or four people. My sincere love of the land surely shows when i run across land owners. I use to ride trails but too many close calls scared me off the trail. Lucky enough i never damged my sled or hurt myself. Usually your track is spinning 50 mph but your at walking speed. Nothing up there thats why i go. Bring your t bone and grill . Grill out by your trailer .