Planning a ride to michigan


New member
Can I add some playful banter to? I am making a trip to Ann Arbor to watch my Buckeyes beat the U of M at the big house . I think 5 years in a row to. GO BUCKEYES MAKE THEM BLUE lol sorry guys I am from Ohio and had to <font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font> Think SNOW to


New member
Skidoodude... Go to Krupps Resort. They are in Twin Lakes and they are right on the trails. You get good riding in any direction and they have everything you will need right there. They are easy to get to as well. Plus its a good price to. Go there every year, cant beat it!


New member
Spellcheck has made everyone lazy. How about everyone actually proofreading their posts before clicking the post button? By the way, any mistakes I have made, I will blame on lack of time or too much Windsor.


New member
Understand skidoodude, that as any good website there needs to be an "orderliness" in the process, and believe me when I say that when you just flail away on the keyboard, (if you are like me and the thumbs are numerous) then mistakes are constantly occurring.

With that in mind, Ole Nash, finds them like a hound hot on the trail of a bunny rabbit, and since it is similar to him (and I confess, me too...perhaps others, who have actually paid attention in English class instead of noticing the protuberances on Sally's sweatshirt...) having a child scratch a chalk board with fingernails. So he roots them out and corrects them IN <font color="0000ff">BLUE</font> (as any good prof would do, eh) and sends them on their way....and as we can see on here, if we can get MEZZ to find issues with grammar and spell'n...then Ole Nash has been effective, and he can depart this planet someday know'n he made a difference even if it might only be recognized by the members of the JD Society....(even if'n it's only an honorable mention, don't yeah know...)

Now...back on topic...skidoodude....ole buddy...only part of the fun is blasting down the trails going hither and yohn....a rightfully bigger part of "do'n" the kewee, is the fun surrounding the ride. Places like Krupp's resort and others on here, PARTICULARLY THOSE WHO ADVERTISE on this website understand this process and hold snowmobiling close to their hearts, mak'n sure by going out of their way that you have not just a good time, but a great time so that you will come back year after year.

This is only one of the many reasons the Upper Penn. tis such a nice place to haul your sled to; along with the friendly people, they actually partake in de sport themselves and they actually encourage yous to become one of the fraternity of the order of "Snowmobiling at it's finest" with membership to that group. Even the rags that get passed around in the fall, figure this out and spell this all out in their articles (with close to passable diction..I might add) which makes it rival places that have perhaps deeper snow, but can't surpass the WHOLE package that a trip to dah UP --would & should-- include.

So it really does matter if you are coming up dar to stay at a place that not only appreciates your business, but welcomes you as a sledder and who will take that extra step to be sure you are having fun, avoiding a bad section of trail, or just fixing a sled that broke by driving you to get the parts.

This effort puts them over the top in terms of making you a member of dah UP sledd'n society.

Do yourself a favor and find a place that caters to sledders and you won't be disappointed. There are places to stay and then there are places that leave you with "DAH EXPERIENCE" and dats all I got to say about it! (and dats enough anyways, eh?)