this is another clue...very important...but again....stupid people and fear of reality....makes ya wonder if its the bones ya'll want to see eh?
OK< SO what does this MAYBE BODY< have to do with big foot, NO where in this video is there any relation to them talked about??
and bones that were burred as a mummy, and bones of a BIG Foot that just died, I gather are two different things, someone MADE an effort to bury this ONE WHAT EVER??
doesn't mean everyone that died in that era was done the same for?/
NOW Tracker, you said this in the above"
another clue....this is VERY IMPORTANT to as why we don't see them and how long they live...keep in mind....this is how they ASSUME they went extinct...or possibly they went you read about it you will realize...theres a lot of supposin' goin on.....ID10Ts that are a supposin'
HOW do you NOT see that your doing the exact same things, your accusing others of,
NO one was alive 1 million to 800,00 yrs ago to be a TRUE witness of what ever really happened, what lived or not, its ALL supposing, no??
you keep bringing up information about FACTS YOU call them, of things from LONG ago, NOT current times
DID giant people or creatures live LONG ago, based on bones found and Proven TO BE OF THINGS, yes< I doubt anyone that DOESN"T believe in big foots NOW< deny's this.
the facts are still and seem to be something you cannot accept
there is NO Current proof / evidence of LIVING BIG FOOTS,
all the things you love to post are of things, that there is NO true proof, things that can be faked at will and most believe are just that fakes, by folks that want to either get some spotlight, or to try and convert others into believing in things science doesn't accept as being REAL and currently alive!
its NOT about FEAR of being wrong, or FEAR of them being alive, as I have NONE of that in me.
YOU wish to call NON believers as having FEAR, and for what reason
due to we think there needs to be REAL proof that something exists before we will acknowledge it?
I don't believe in the boogie man, werewolves or vampires! does it mean I am in fear of them? HECK NO
I never look under my bed before I go to sleep, or in my closets
do YOU?? Tracker ?? LOL
keep posting these things,maybe doing so helps you sleep better?
Me, I find most of these video's as pointless views of things from SO long ago all anyone is doing is, "SUPPOSIN" what they THINK happened or WAS!
I live NOW< and I base things on what I believe to be real, as do you
you wish to believe in big foot, good for you, enjoy it
BUT till there is real proof, evidence, a body, DNA, all your doing is JUST that SUPPOSIN and Believing in something that is make believe to YOU and the others that feel like you do about it!