Pneumatic Spark Plug Cleaner


New member
Anyone ever use one of these? Harbor Frieghts got them on sale for $10. Pretty quick payback, but I worry about the abraisive getting the engine. That could get expensive.

Thoughts, opinions & smart answers welcome.

Thanks - Sckutr


Well-known member
I also thought about buying it, but spark plugs are $2 a pop and I've never fouled one before in my life, so I just replace them.


New member
Like Indy said, for $2-$4 a plug why worry about it? If getting a longer life, like Years out of your plugs by bead blasting or whatever, , , that may not be a good idea.
I read a thing a while back on spark plugs. Briefly it stated that there is a heating and cooling cycle on a sparke plug. Over time, especially on a 2-cycle engines being that they fire every 2 strokes this takes a toll on the plug and makes it less "efficiant". The other thing that makes a plug less "efficiant" is when the electrode (the thing in the middle of the plug not the thing you bend to adjust gap) wears and becomes round, , the plug doesn't fire as well. You can't correct that.

If your fouling plugs regularly I'd say your either using some bad oil, mixing oil too heavily, Oil pump is set incorrectly, using the incorrect heat rang spark plug, or some other issue.


New member
They work fine. For spark plugs that are fuel fouled or oil fouled the sand blaster works great. If they are worn, yes replace them, but if you have some old sleds that go through the plugs then the sand blaster may save you some green. You just blow the spark plug off with compressed air after cleaning so you dont have to worry about the abrasives. I hav'nt used one in years but when I started out as a mechanic 30 years ago they were quite common. Harbor Freight quality is sometimes an issue so if you do buy one "wear your safety glasses" !!!


New member
i use mine all the time, blast it, then i usually blow off the plug with air compressor, then spray plug with gum-out to flush out any sand, then blow with air again