Polaris FST


New member
I'm looking for information about this machine--I currently have 2 06 600 HO Fusions and am curious to know about Polaris' 4 stroke machine--Does this machine have the throttle response of the 2 strokes? Any thought's and opinions welcome.



New member
2007 fst iq

I have a 2007 FST IQ 121 track 1800mi. Just sold my 2006 Fusion 600 HO. FST is heavier by about 100 lbs. Does not feel heavier on trail. Ride is softer, steering is lighter, and performance is much better. Radar runs 1000ft-- 600/94mph FST/101mph. Gas mileage is 16 to 17mpg. It will not fly thru the air as easily as 600. Meant for long distance trail riding more than ditch banging. I have had one mechanical issue with the reverse gear system. Polaris replaced under warranty. Sled is fun to ride and very dependable.


New member
I'm looking for information about this machine--I currently have 2 06 600 HO Fusions and am curious to know about Polaris' 4 stroke machine--Does this machine have the throttle response of the 2 strokes? Any thought's and opinions welcome.

We have two 2008 IQ LX Turbo's have put 2,000 miles on both, and love them. Plenty of power through the entire throttle range. Better than the Fusion 2 stroke. We had 2006 Fusions, traded them for the IQ's. I do miss the Fusion for one reason, I could manhandle the Fusion better than the FST in deep snow, but still no regrets. The power and quiet, smokeless ride is worth it.
Best of luck with what every choice you make.

Deleted member 10829

I have a 2006 FST Classic with 9,000 miles on it. That was the first year they were sold and I did have a few problems that Polaris did an excellent job of taking care of. Since then, the sled has been very reliable. Power is not a problem, but the sled is not the best in deeper snow IMO. I mainly trail ride, and it's excellent for that! I would highly recommend heat vents as the belt can get very hot and lose some of it's life. I would definately buy one again. Let us know what you do.


New member
Hey Guys--Thanks for the feedback--I too really like the way the Fusions handle snowy conditions...Actually on 1 of my Fusions I installed the M10 Air Wave and really like the ride on long days...Pricey for sure but very well designed...If I purchase the FST I for sure will add an airwave...
