Polaris P85 clutch


New member
I have a 2003 Polaris classic 600 touring, need to rebuild the clutch. Where is the best place to get parts and what is the part number. Can anyone help me out on this. Also what brand of belt would you use, I blew a Polaris one out with 500 miles on belt. Thanks


Well-known member
Usually get my clutch parts from hi performance engineering (HPE) look for p85 parts they're all pretty much the same. Belt could've blown for many reasons. You should be using a polaris 1080 belt I had 8000 miles on the original belt on my 05 xcsp 500 before it tore a little chunk out. Otherwise Carlisle makes good belts.


I have a 2003 Polaris classic 600 touring, need to rebuild the clutch. Where is the best place to get parts and what is the part number. Can anyone help me out on this. Also what brand of belt would you use, I blew a Polaris one out with 500 miles on belt. Thanks


1) Align your clutches (offset, center to center, and check for engine "crooked"), mine and my bud's were off!!!! You may have to shim behind the rear engine bracket(s) to get it perfect. Use thin Chevrolet style starter shims available @ Auto Parts stores under the “HELP” brand.

2) Lightly sand both primary and secondary clutches w/180 grit perpendicular to the way the belt rides and wipe down w/lacquer thinner.

3) Wash/scrub (plastic bristle brush) your BRAND NEW belt w/soap & hot water, and let dry overnight, sounds weird, but it removes the "mold release" compound that would otherwise would get smeared all over your nice clean clutches.

4) If you're blowing belts, clutches/engine is mis-aligned or there are broken motor mounts


1) Check your belt to primary sheave side clearance, should be .010" to .015" w/NEW belt, mine was .070" from the factory.

2) Install a new primary clutch spring @ the start of every season. (approx $31.00)

3) Send your primary clutch out to have it balanced. Made a NOTICEABLE improvement in smoothness and extends crankshaft and clutch life, they drilled 8-9 lightening holes in mine, that's how far off it was from the factory!! SLP and others charge only $35.00 for this service. Do this after you've set the belt to sheave clearance.


Button Secondary

1) Install a new secondary clutch spring @ the start of every season. (approx $31.00)

2) Replace the (3) little plastic wear buttons, they're approx $ 1.00 each


New member
If the weights hit and cut into the spider then the clutch should be replaced because it wont last long and it will break. Replacing the weights, weight bushings or spring is about all the average person can do with out the tools or knowledge.If you have alot of miles on this clutch then I would replace it with a new one.


New member
Ronnies.com for Parts Google your clutch and you can see what all to do. As for only 500 miles on belt. Sounds like alignment or what your thinking, your clutching. Google your clutch, watch a few of the video's, clean and inspect. Primary..Flat spots on rollers, rollers not turning, weights sticking. 2ndary worn buttons, tired spring. The belt dust does a lot and cleaning your clutches every year saves wear n tear and keeps you on the trail instead of the shop.


Good luck.
