

New member
I know this has been addressed in the past so I tried to do a search but with no luck. I think with the new site format it only allowed me to go back to 12-1-09 so here I am asking the question: What is everyone using to clean their sleds and then polish them?

Thanks and Happy New Year!



Active member
I tried to do a search but with no luck. … I think with the new site format it only allowed me to go back to 12-1-09 …

Well Dan, you got my curiosity up, so I tried an advanced search, with Keyword(s)= polish; Search Entire Posts, Find Posts from = any date, Sort Results by = Thread Start date, Show Results as = Posts.

Found 50 posts dating back to 11-28-2007, 10:09 PM!

Re 'no luck': The big problem seems to lie in expeditiously identifying a set of search terms that would yield a tightly focused result, with minimal false hits.


I think you'll need to specify if you are talking about the aluminum or the hoods. You'll get lot's of Mothers responses for aluminum polish. Don't forget Armor All for your seat..... just kidding, don't do that if you want to stay on.....


Well-known member
i use pledge furniture polish on the hood, black magic vinyl leather spray stuff for the seat (if u don't constantly armour all ur seat, it can get dry and crack the leather) and i used mothers on my tunnel but now both of my sleds have black powdercoated tunnels. o ya and i windex the whole hood and most of the sled before i put the pledge on


New member
I use Mothers on the tunnel to put the shine on. Easy on and easy off. Just remember to not let it dry. No better shine in my opinion.