Political Test


New member
So, you think you known where you stand politically. The results from this short test may surprise you and give you some food for thought. You'll be asked 10 questions and then it instantly tells you where you stand politically. It will show your position as a red dot on a "political map". The most interesting thing about the quiz, is it goes beyond the Democrat, Republic and Independent.

Click on the link below.


Well-known member
they say libertarian leaning conservative/a more detailed test would prob score me as a constitutionalist.leaning stay out of my states rights and do the job the founding fathers intended for you to do


Well-known member
I was a libertarian. Always thought I was a conservative. Guess it must be my wild independent streak!


Pay attention! It is a Libertarian website! Wow, what a surprise that so many of you are scoring...wait for it...Libertarian!
As Seinfeld would say "not that there's anything wrong with it".
The "test", which deals in overly vague Libertarian issues is designed to make you walk around going "Hmmm, I'm a Libertarian. I should check in to this further. Maybe I will donate."
I could write a "test" that would make you think you are a little green alien that hates snowmobiles, and yes, I would put a "donate here" button next to the results!


New member
i new i was basiically a libertarian wich is different than a liberal is nowdays but you got to vote for someone who who has a chance of winning who holds a least part off your beliefs thats why i,ve been voting republican.hal if bill clinton ran in 2012 i'd probably vote for him