Portage county-marathon county- wausau area?


Well-known member
The areas of Portage east of Point closed their trails on Wednesday morning. There's been 3 pretty good rains since.
Thanks for the reports. One thing I realize is that most clubs are closing to TRY and conserve the base. My Question would be "Will there be enough base left in these ares after the bleeding stops:"??


New member
My guess is that it's not so much of a question of base, but rather the ability to groom. With warm temps predicted for the next 10 days, the snow turns to mashed potatoes and makes grooming almost impossible. Even if the clubs simply decided not to groom, the swamps, creeks and rivers are filling with water fast due to rain and melting snow.
Thanks for that insight gade-thrasher. You being up there and knowing the terrain. Coming from Milw. area, sounds that could spend a lot of time and money and be disappointed, but if it gets colder and conditions change I would like to take one last shot at riding this Yr, I would appreciated a heads up.


Active member
I have friends in Marathon county. Many sections of the trail are underwater just like here. It will take a miracle for trails in most counties to open again this year.


Well-known member
To add to what everyone has said, driving from Point to the Twin Cities yesterday, WOW have things gone south in 2 days. Rivers of water and small lakes everywhere. If the forecast is even close, trail riding is done.


Active member
Yep, I drove from the U.P. to the Twin Cities yesterday. Farm field areas closer to the Cities are done. All the trail crossings I saw in Onidea and Price Counties still looked good though!