Congrats, listen to your Doc, and your body. My wife rode her horse for the first three months with both of our daughters. There’s always the “what if’s” but if the Doc says it’s cool then it’s up to you two to make the call. Good luck!!!!!
By the way, you better start looking for a Kitty Cat!!!!! My three year old daughter and two year old niece went for their first turn around the farm yard a couple of weeks ago. It was probably one of the best rides I’ve ever watched
I had a friend who was 9 month along waiting for the blessed event. She went rinding on New Years Eve hoping for an extra Income Tax deduction LOL. Didn't work baby was born Jan 4th.
When my wife was pregnant for the first time, literally the first thing the doctor told us right after congratulations was "No snowmobiling!" I wouldn't do it if I were you, but if you still want to try, at least ask your doctor first.