proper track tension


New member
Is the proper track tension for a 2006 crossfire sno pro 1.5" to 1.75 with a 20lb weight? Or is the measurement 1.75" to 2"? Is there any other way to measure it without the 20 lb weight? Pete


Well-known member
Some guys run 1" without a weight. I did 7/8" without a weight and it seems fine. My dads i set at 1" with a 10 lb weight (5/8" without a weight) and it seems to run fine. Not gonna wreck your track if its tight or loose, most important is that each side is the same.


New member
Track tension

I've heard and practice that if you got picks tighter is better and the oppsite for non picked tracks.


New member
I dont know whats right or wrong but I 've heard loose=more rotating mass=more power required to turn track=slower. Also something about track will "ripple" if too lose. Not saying extra loose is bad just something I read up on at one point in time. Food for thought I guess, I keep mine per manual specs.


A lot also depends on skidframe design. There are some skidframes that are simply faster than others under most conditions. I try to run as loose as possible which is always looser than factory reccomendations. You don't want slip or so much slop that the track rubs on the bottom of the tunnel. If you run an aggressive stud pattern you should be a little tighter IMHO. The track will naturally balloon at higher speeds and if you are too loose the studs and or track can chew up your front heat exchanger very quickly. Unless you are Indy who runs a pink sled with no studs.


Active member
I am actually a firm believer of a loose track. On my IQ I would run it as loose as I could before the track would slip on the drivers. I also run 144 down the center. Well I have found the error in this, my front track shock bottom eye is worn down to almost nothing.

If you gonna run it loose with studs, I suggest keeping a watch on that front track shock.


New member
I am actually a firm believer of a loose track. On my IQ I would run it as loose as I could before the track would slip on the drivers. I also run 144 down the center. Well I have found the error in this, my front track shock bottom eye is worn down to almost nothing.

If you gonna run it loose with studs, I suggest keeping a watch on that front track shock.

Mine 2.


Active member
X2 I bet the track on my 600RMK sags 3-4" with no weight on it.

AGREE!!! On My 1200 4-tec when it is on the stands ther is about 2-4" sag but it runs smooth and does not rachet!! I have a few buddies who race that have always said LOOSE IS FAST!!! Saves your hi-fax to