I agree with some of the posts above as putting premium fuel in a engine that does not require it does not improve performance and will in fact hinder it, at my shop i am still shocked how many people will drive to another county to get gas for their lawn mower, and buy the premium because it starts better or gets more horsepower when this is all a mind set, everything since the 90's has been made to run on alcohol fuels ans it wasnt that the engine wouldnt run on it or it would blow up engines it was the rubber componnents, like fuel line, o-rings, gaskets, carburetor componnents that weren't resistant to the fuel, in fact if you are not buying what they call off road fuel or pre canned fuel it is all reformulated and some fuels depending on area have alcohol in it. You cant get the fuel we had 15 -20 years ago that you could keep a supply of in your garage just to have it. there is nothing wrong with ethenol fuels as long as you treat it properly, dont keep for any extended period of time untreated and be sure to use a fuel treatment made for ethenol fuels and make sure it has metal deactivators in it to prevent corrosion in case of phase seperation, I own an outdoor power equipment shop and wont lie, probably 60 percent of all repairs are fuel related, I don't go out of town and purchase my fuel, I dont go to the raceway and I dont and wont buy any of that $8.00 a quart pre canned fuel and i can honestly say I dont have any problems. I do however treat my fuel during seasonal storage. My personal opinion is dont waste your money on specialty fuels unless you are running a piece of equipment that needs it because you are just wasting your money.