RAD lights

Banjo Man

New member
Has anyone tried the RAD {Rider Alert Device} lights? Mounted on the handle bars and display amber and green. Amber for lead sled to alert oncoming sleds that others are behind and green for last sled to let them know. A few years ago I saw a sled that had device on the handle bars with digits to let oncomers know how many are behind. The fellow who had them said that it never really caught on. I can see why because it seemed a little confusing. But these RAD’s are just the two colors. What are you’re thoughts?


New member
Our group had them on our sleds for a couple years. We certainly thought highly of them. However, they seem to be more popular out east as we never saw another sled with them where we ride (WI & MI). Most people had no clue what they were or what they meant. We even had some other sledders that got mad at us because we weren't using hand signals. Needless to say, we took them off our sleds a few years ago. I really like the concept though and they should come standard on new sleds. They could build them right into the headlight assembly.


Well-known member
I like the idea in theory, but . . . I also get stuck behind a ton of riders that show the closed hand/last of the group signal. The time those riders waste making hand signals could be used to ride their sleds.
I have met groups using the RAD lights. They seem effective, but . . . I also have seen mixed colors right in the middle of their groups. Not sure if meeting two different groups, or users not switching their lights.
I would rather see riders that stay right and allow traffic to move safely. We all know how to drive on the road. It seems like those skills are lost on absolutely beautiful trails.

I can spend all day on the road without a single worry about oncoming vehicles signaling. It seems simple enough.