A coworker and I were talking about the amount of rain we have picked up this past week. I mentioned we got about a 1 inch this past Sunday and another 1.75 inches yesterday. He said he believes he got more but did not actually measure it. I asked what he was talking when he said he did not measure it and he said when it’s supposed to rain he just puts a 5 gallon bucket on his patio and then grabs a tape measure if he really wants to know how much they got. Sounds logical to me. BUT then as we continued to talk I mentioned I have a high tech rain gauge
that is about 2 inch in diameter made out of clear PVC. It has a red float and increments on the side, so I can just look out the window and see how much rain we got. But on the top of the PVC there is a cone shaped piece added and I am guessing the opening is about 4” then tapers down to the 2 inch. So my coworker said my rain gauge is collecting twice the amount of rain falling from the sky then his bucket. I stopped and thought about it and ya he is correct, but yet the rain gauge it store bought so the manufacture must have somewhat of an idea what they are doing. Can anyone explain why my rain gauge has a larger opening then the measuring part?