"Had enough of this humidity!!!!!!! …"
Humidity's too high? Just move to Phoenix, AZ.
The humidity as I write is a mere
11% (at 4:48PM MST), and it's been a balmy¹, relatively cool day; the temperature is a mere 108°F right now, after a high of only 111°F (at 2:58 PM).
The lowest humidities on record for Phoenix (1896-June 1995):
Relative Humidity (%)
| Date
2% | May 8, 1904
2% | May 16, 1907
2% | May 23, 1976
2% | Dec 21, 1977
2% | Apr 21, 1979
2% | Jun 4, 1982
¹ Balmy? Was that the climate today, or just me that's "balmy"? Hmmm …