RC model aircraft (B-29)...


New member

frnash....you'er sic. I too enjoyed the pains of the Futaba RC control box but flew a RC Hellicopter. I have great respect for all of the pilots in the above videos. It aint as easy as it looks. Several crashes and hundreds of bucks for repairs will humble one to find another passion.


New member
Did some work for a guy-him and a bud bought some property in south Kankakee for there own air field to fly such jet's !

When he open'd his trailer there were 3 such planes and i tried gues'n on a $ amount but was way off since at the time all i was into was my AC !

Neat Shiet !


Active member
400 MPH RC Plane!

Wow! That one really hauls it!
Q: How do you maintain control when they can't even keep it in the frame in the video? Surely the pilot can't maintain visual contact with the plane either, particularly in "IFR" conditions (in the clouds). You would really need "Predator" style flight instruments on that R/C box to stay on top of it.