Recommendations to riders going west for 1st time?


New member
My wife and I have been snowmobiling WI and UP for a few years now. We are thinking of taking a week-long trip west this winter for our 10-year wedding anniversary. We are moderately aggressive trail riders on Yamaha Attak 4-strokes. Any input for us to consider on planning our trip is greatly appreciated!


New member
Fly direct- take proper gear- rent sleds.
RESEARCH is key. hook up with guided tour.
Start Cardio training ASAP. where are you thinking ?


Well-known member
Snowies would be the closest with the best trail system. It all depends on what kind of riding you want to do. If you plan to bring your sleds and ride trails I'd say the Snowies.


New member
We plan to take our own sleds and drive from WI. Mostly trail riding, but would like to try a very little bit of boonddocking...but realize our sleds are not ideal for this. Where is the snowies?


New member
Make sure you get proper gear and safty equipment if going off trail! Maybe take an avalanche course.


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My wife and I were baptized in Tog Wy last January. We are non-smokers and worked out for about two months before going out and I did mostly Backcountry/Boondocking and got my butt handed to me. Don't get me wrong it was the best trip I have ever taken and will be going out again this coming season but work out and don't get to far off the trail with the 1.25 track. Wear the beacons and know how to use them,,also don't forget to turn them on. Like Getsome said, do a lot of cardio training, you will thank yourself. Have fun and keep the black side down. Jeff


New member
herff, Do yourself a favor. Start out with the black hills or West yellowstone. Togwotee is NOT for the trail rider type. Sure it can be done, but why? I personally would not take my wife to Togwotee to ride sleds. Simply I cannot stay on the trail. Please give us more info. If she expects you to spend some money check out Brooks Lake Lodge.


New member
Sounds like you need to find the best trail system with the best scenic views for a weeks worth. Stressing the guide or local group ride. If you dare get stuck offtrail with just you and your wife, you'll be sorry.
I am guessing you will be to tired to ride in any elevation everyday. After getting your sleds to perform there also... I loved Togwotee, But I have a good thing going in Grand Lake, CO. now.
Keep up the research. Hookin up with someone thats going would be ideal. If one place stands out to you, just ask. A very large group on here w/ alot of info.


New member
getsome, tell us about Grand Lake!!! Why don't you use the barn roof ride pic. on your profile, it is so sweet. Also we still want to ride Seney/Grand Marais with you this coming winter.


New member
I agree w/polarisrider1, start at the Black Hills (Deadwood Gulch Resort, Mystic Hills) then Yellowstone. She will appreciate it alot. Have fun.


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Snowy Mountains are a great place to ride. The Albany Lodge has lots of great ameneties (better than the places closer to Centennial and if you are mostly trail riding this is ideal as Centennial is the offtrail hub of the area.

Enjoy yourselves whatever you decide. The views are spectacular.



New member
<font color="ff0000">Going out west and staying on trail! Thats like going to haydays and not buying a single thing. Albany lodge is a great option. Central location that gives you access to to the top side or the Wycolo area. One week and you will cover every sqaure inch of trail they have though. I would rent a couple of RMK's one day and head up N,NO,and O and do some exploring there is a lotta fun to be had right off the trail in that area. Be prepared to return there every year, it's that much fun. You will need to plan your days though not many gas stops out there. Wycolo,The Place, The Rendezvous are good places to gas and eat or pack a lunch and eat at one of the warming hut's(thats what we do). No matter what you will enjoy it and will go back.</font>


New member
Recomendations is what herff wants. I recomend you get a guide for the area you ride. Start out easy. Keep it simple yet nice. Black hills. Deadwood area. Remember It is important. you are bringing your wife. As the saying goes, " If mama ain't happy, no ones happy" does apply. herff were have you gone? It has been 5 months since last post.


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I would recommend the Big Horn Mountains in Northern Wyoming for your first time. That was my first snowmobile trip out west and I couldnt have been happier. The lodges on top of the mountain ran awesome deals so it was a steal not to stay there. We left our 137'' sleds at home and had a lot more fun on the rentals driving them like we stole them. The area has all terrain from the steep and deep to sidehilling, meadows, and trails. Tons of off trail untouched snow that you can be pushing snow with your headlights and be stuck up to your armpits.


New member
Send your sleds and gear out with MomMotorSports and fly in. You get the comfort of your own sled as well as the option to rent a mountain sled if ya wanna do some off trail riding. This will save you some dough and, allow you the comfort of your own sled for the scenic trail riding days. They could drop you off in Deadwood,(lead) at recreational springs resort. That is a great place to get your mountain wings. Togwotee is pretty nice too, with tons of trail plus easily accessalbe meadows and hills.


New member
Herff - with a week to spend I would suggest Togwotee - allthough the draw to go off-trail is indeed intense - there's still plenty of trails and sights to see along the Divide. Plus you have overnight options at Brooks Lake, sled tours through Yellowstone, dog sled adventures, Skiing/Shopping and Resturants in and around Jackson. . . .and if that's not enough you can always head NW into Idaho or North into Montana for even more options and activities.

Plenty to do and see for sure!!


Well-known member
if going off trail in the black hills I would get a guide who knows the area.I had a guide who brought us to what I thought looked like a open field well after I totaled my sled I found out it was a field of 3 to4 ft cut off stumps that eat bulkheads like candy