Red Pine Mapping ???

I saw a link to Red Pine mapping on the JD front page. I checked it out and I am interested. So my question is Do any of you use it? if so how do you like it and do you use it with a hand held GPS or the type you use in your car? are all of the trails on it including Waukesha county.
I have a Garmin Nuvi

Any input is apperciated


New member
GPS sled maps seems great except that all roads and trails on a garmin vista show up as the same color this is the free version. If the paid version serperated the trails from roads I would buy in a heart beat. This is where the problem starts he has a forum but never allows anyone to post on it because he doesnt activate your account. I will never buy something if I cant ask questions about it



I use it and its FANTASTIC!!!! I put it on my Garmin 60CSx. The sweet thing is that I can click on my destination (on the snowmobile trail) and select GOTO. It will then say follow Road or go Off Road. Select follow road (It will see the trail rout as a road) and it will route you ONLY on the snowmobile trail (As long as the start point and end point are on the trail). Its VERY nice knowing EXACTLY how many miles it is going to be to the next fuel stop instead of just getting straight line distance.


If the paid version serperated the trails from roads I would buy in a heart beat.


I am not sure about the Vista but it was that way on my 60CSx as well. The free routes showed up as tracks and not roads. I was not able to actually set the GPS to follow the trail in the free one. However, in the paid one all the snowmobile trails show up as different colors on both my 60CSx and my Nuvi 1350. I am extremely impressed with the product.


New member works wonders on a Lowrance XOG. Touch screen, color. easy to use. It is like a water resistant Tom Tom for sleds. If anyone has trouble with getting maps on their Garmin, Magellan or Lowrance I can set you up with a Guru on this stuff.


New member
I have a Garmin 276C and use maps. They are terrific. I just got the updated MI maps and will try the routing feature when I go to Ishpeming on 1/16.


New member
I like there mapping products for my Garmin 60csx. I have even submitted maps in their data exchange are on the free site. Also I believe the paid version now has ability to route on the snowmobile trails.


gps sled maps

i am running red pine maps on a nuvi 500 and am very happy. purchased 1 sd card that ryan loloaded mn,wi,and mich on. all work very well.occasionally you find a "detour"trail that isnt on the map bout each clubs trails that ive seen have been in a different color.i would recommend this product to anyone.
Would like too buy the maps for mn and wi.
Had some questions on the maps and downloads.
Sent a e-mail too red map last thrusday, no answer.
Resent a e-mail yesterday, no anwser, I relly don't
want too buy a product that has a lack of sevice.
I know there are people on the board that know ryan,or the people
that made it and would like any thought you have.
It sounds like a great product but it would suck too buy,
then have a question and not get the answer until spring!!
p.s. Im not trying too bash the product but get info.

Think Snow!!!


New member
Ok I have a question, I just downloaded the free versions and am somewhat disappointed but can't complain b/c its free. (Only shows main corridor trails and deletes all other background info)

Does the pay version do a good job of showing other roads including forest roads and trails, all the other land marks as it so claims? Also the only trails in my area shown on the free version are the main corridor trails and nothing else. (Washburn Co. WI) Are there more trails on the pay version?

Price of 40 for two maps and 10 for each additional seems somewhat reasonable to me, Means I can get MN, WI, and MI for $50. The lake map chips are at least $150. Only other concern is trails do change from time to time so what happens after a couple years and a few trails are changed, they hit you up for new maps again at full price?

I use a Lowrance iFinder H20 if that helps.

thanks in advance for any feedback.


New member
It sounds like a great product but it would suck too buy,
then have a question and not get the answer until spring!!
p.s. Im not trying too bash the product but get info.

Sorry for not getting back to you. Without getting too personal, I'm dealing with a family illness and I'm behind in replying to people. I'm trying to write back to customers tech support inquiries first, so general questions are taking me a while. I'm going as fast as I can so you should hear from me soon. If you wouldn't mind re-sending your question I'll try to get back to you right away.


I'm extremely impressed with redpine mapping. Trails a spot on! I don't think any map is going to have every like spur trail, private groomed trail, etc. But redpine has a really good chunk of them too. Best value for the buck out there.
Well I bought the maps

So I bought the maps and I am now trying to install them I can not get the Map source to run I copied the maps to a SD card and it into my GPS but can not seem to get anything to work.
I may have this all screwed up