Red Pine Mapping ???


you can buy the sd card preloaded from the web site,
on the page were u ordered there is a option for 10.00 more you
can have it all loaded on the card for you just plug and play
thats what i did and was well worth it.
MVEDEPO Thanks for all the help

I have everthing I needed and the program is now loaded onto an SD card and working on the GPS The problem was that I did not relize that Map Source was Garmins program and thought that it was part of the Red Pine mapping software. I don't think I recieved any software with my GPS its a Nuvi that I have only used for in the car. I got the Map Source software free online with a search. Once that was worked out I followed Some direction that mvedpo gave me and everything went smooth as silk.

I think the ower of Red Pine Mapping is on the site and may read this. So I think a little more information would be helpful on the web site for guys that do not use GPS's that often, or maybe a link to the mapsource software.

I hope I am not the first one to have problems getting it loaded.

I will give an update when I can I will be using it the next 4 days wish me luck

Thanks for all the input everyone