the new windows look great!
I know I read that it was vacant for, what?, 35 years? Why so long? Did you mention it and I just didn't catch it?
It looks like it's an incredible house - LOVE the staircases...seems kinda sad that it was vacant for so long. Glad it's getting fixed up. I grew up in a 1880's house - my piano teacher was in her 80's when I was a kid and she remembered when they put the indoor plumbing in my house. My mom sold it back in '93...haven't been back since. I always think of Miranda Lambert's tune "the house that built me" when I think of just wanting to go back and see it.
Love them old homes and their 'feel' and their history. I've lived in this 100 yr old house with bigdaddy now for over 15 years and it still doesn't feel like home as much as that old house I grew up in. We live in an old house but it doesn't have any of the character - or construction - of the house I grew up in.
Glad the shoulder and elbow are feeling better. if you can just get a few more days of jet skiing and fishing in I'm sure it'd be right as rain. Before we know it? the best kind of throttle therapy.
Kinda takes the pressure off to know you won't be done by winter move in anyway, right?
Again, thanks for the posts and the especially the pics!