remodeling again


Active member
Lenny, have been following your renovation since you're first post. Went back and just looked at pics tonight. Amazing! I love the before and during pics. Can't wait to see the rest of the hard work and then the move in ready pics!
I shoulda posted months ago to cheer you on!
Awesome job! Looks like it's gonna be a beautiful home!


tanks windingtrailgal, One of our most recent realizations has come to show us that we will not be moving in before winter like we hoped. Couple reasons why, first being money and second my health. Earlier this year I contracted a roof job and created a pain in my elbow that wont go away. I have ignored that pain and it has gotten worse (duh) and now my shoulder is bothering me. I believe both will reside if given sufficient time to heal. My elbow can be pretty serious at times, my shoulder not bad. I really need to work a reasonable amount of hrs and let my body catch up. I can save money to complete the house and at the same time heal up to avoid permanent body damage.

I've not had the fishing boat out 1 time this year nor the jet ski. Looks like 80 and sunny today so why not a jet ski day! The mind says no but the body says yes!


New member
I'm not a doctor, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night. It sounds like Tennis elbow. I've had to deal with it in the past. Ice it and get a strap for tennis elbow at Walgreens, Rite-aid,etc. Your shoulder is probably hurting from compensating for your elbow being sore( swinging hammer with more shoulder than elbow) Good job on the house!


Well-known member
I'm not a doctor, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night.

I wonder how many people got this?

Lenny, you've been going like a man possessed. I'm guessing it's really hard to dial it back but maybe a little R&R is in order. I spent a good chunk of the summer building a garage for my fishing boat and it really cut into (guess what) my fishing time. Not very smart.

This has been a really fun project to follow and we'll look forward to the time when you get back in action.
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Active member
:)@ 700classic

I always say "I'm not a doctor and I never played one on TV but..."

Lenny, it was too hot a summer to not take the time to get out on the fishing boat or jet ski! Hope you did so today.

It's been amazing progress on the house. Taking on a house that stood vacant for that amount of time looked so daunting in the beginning. You've made it look like it's been easy?! Am sure pushing yourself like that hasn't helped the irritated elbow!


New member
Lenny I drove past the house the other day and remembered this thread. House it looking good after sitting vacant for so long. Best of luck to you on that project.


Lenny I drove past the house the other day and remembered this thread. House it looking good after sitting vacant for so long. Best of luck to you on that project.

Thanks! feel free to stop by anytime :rolleyes:
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I only worked a total of 8 hrs the entire weekend. I did take the jet ski to the big lake and had a blast. Nothing better than cold water running through a 1100 cc triple keeping her cool, had some good fun with the family. I'm heading back now after devouring 3 nice pcs of Indiana sweet corn. MMallot from this board who lives in Indiana is up for the entire week, gonna trail brush later this week. He was over at my place helping today, what an great guy. He even wants to help out tomorrow.


a few more pics. The last few days I have been repairing structure inside the house. In the attic there was a open top water tank that eventually started to leak. It caused rot to a few of the ceiling joists so I sistered a new one along sid ans was able to allow it to sit on the top of the walls just as the original. 6 ceiling joists in a diferent were notched by the plumbers and they removed the top half of the 2x8. The joists did sag about 1/2". Again I sistered in new joists and bumped up the old one back to level again, worked very well. In the attic there were 6 fractured roof rafters that we sistered on new joists, posted up the ridge also.

Here are a few pics of the Master bedroom, the window sash's came out real nice.


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not sure if I ever mentioned that there are 3 stairways going up to the second floor, 1 staircase to the attic, 2 stairs to the basement. 6 staircases total and all in great shape except the basement set which I plan to fix in the near future. Here are the 3 going to the second floor


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Well-known member
This house seems to have been originally built for someone that could afford a little higher standard of living. It would be interesting to know the history of this house and how it came to be vacant for so long.

Also, you violated members orders by "only" working 8 hours this weekend. I thought our instructions were pretty specific.


I have toned down my hrs and can feel the difference. My shoulder is almost perfect and the elbow still is a issue but certainly improving. Still working on lower level windows and will be for a few more days so not much to show for. In the den there was a window that was disassembled with the sash's in the closet along with all the window weights, stops and trim. I spent about 5 hrs on this assembly getting back into shape and seeing a complete unit that operates properly and smooth is so encouraging for me. With no one in the house for so many years and not loosing all the parts is a miracle itself. Now when I pull up to the house and see no more boards over the window it really makes me feel good to see it shaping up. I'll snap a few pics when I complete the windows.


Active member
the new windows look great!

I know I read that it was vacant for, what?, 35 years? Why so long? Did you mention it and I just didn't catch it?

It looks like it's an incredible house - LOVE the staircases...seems kinda sad that it was vacant for so long. Glad it's getting fixed up. I grew up in a 1880's house - my piano teacher was in her 80's when I was a kid and she remembered when they put the indoor plumbing in my house. My mom sold it back in '93...haven't been back since. I always think of Miranda Lambert's tune "the house that built me" when I think of just wanting to go back and see it.
Love them old homes and their 'feel' and their history. I've lived in this 100 yr old house with bigdaddy now for over 15 years and it still doesn't feel like home as much as that old house I grew up in. We live in an old house but it doesn't have any of the character - or construction - of the house I grew up in.

Glad the shoulder and elbow are feeling better. if you can just get a few more days of jet skiing and fishing in I'm sure it'd be right as rain. Before we know it? the best kind of throttle therapy.

Kinda takes the pressure off to know you won't be done by winter move in anyway, right? :D

Again, thanks for the posts and the especially the pics!


the new windows look great!

I know I read that it was vacant for, what?, 35 years? Why so long? Did you mention it and I just didn't catch it?

It looks like it's an incredible house - LOVE the staircases...seems kinda sad that it was vacant for so long. Glad it's getting fixed up. I grew up in a 1880's house - my piano teacher was in her 80's when I was a kid and she remembered when they put the indoor plumbing in my house. My mom sold it back in '93...haven't been back since. I always think of Miranda Lambert's tune "the house that built me" when I think of just wanting to go back and see it.
Love them old homes and their 'feel' and their history. I've lived in this 100 yr old house with bigdaddy now for over 15 years and it still doesn't feel like home as much as that old house I grew up in. We live in an old house but it doesn't have any of the character - or construction - of the house I grew up in.

Glad the shoulder and elbow are feeling better. if you can just get a few more days of jet skiing and fishing in I'm sure it'd be right as rain. Before we know it? the best kind of throttle therapy.

Kinda takes the pressure off to know you won't be done by winter move in anyway, right? :D

Again, thanks for the posts and the especially the pics!

I can only speculate as to why it was vacant for so many years. In 1953 a family bought the place and from what I have been told, they did not maintain the place, wouldn't fix anything and if they did it was a DIY. The Owner than died and the son got the house in Nov of 75. They stayed 1 year and he got a different job and relocated. My understanding from a few of the old neighbors, it was kinda rough in the 50's and has never received the attention it was in need of. A local guy wanted to buy the place i the 60's and went through it but didn't buy because it already needed to much. No body has had the ambition to tackle the place till a dumb a** like myself came along AND HERE I AM


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Well-known member
Looks awesome Lenny.

According to the pics, that open top water tank is called a bathtub around our neck of the woods.;)

Did that house have a set of stairs right into the kitchen? Maybe into the hall just outside the kitchen? Seems like the house was set up for staff help with so many staircases.


Well-known member
great work. I remodel houses (not a contractor but i have several rentals and flipped 2 houses) also but NOTHING near the amount of work you are doing. Keep up the good work! I also love the history and stories behind some of the older houses. My first remodel was a 90 year old house and we had the original "blueprint" put behind sun resistent glass and displayed it in the living room. Ironically, the original family that owned the house for almost 2/3 of the time knocked on our door and purchased the house back from us after the remodel!


Looks awesome Lenny.

According to the pics, that open top water tank is called a bathtub around our neck of the woods.;)

Did that house have a set of stairs right into the kitchen? Maybe into the hall just outside the kitchen? Seems like the house was set up for staff help with so many staircases.

I does have a set of stairs in the kitchen and also right in the back door,,wow,, I am so accustomed to showers!