Renegade Backcountry or Crossfire 8 Limited


New member
Well here we go I am not here to start anything so be nice. I love Arctic Cat and Ski doo I think they are the best sleds around. I am shopping and wondering which one of these would I be most happy with. I have always had an 800 so that is taken care of. I ride 75% not on a trail and the rest on the trail. I like the limited arctic cat for its M8 style seat and telescoping bars do to my height. I also like the 141 x 1.5" lug. And then the Ski doo has the 137 x 1.75" lug with a 6" extension for the bars but would have to be larger. I am 6'5" tall and weigh about 265 lbs. I would like something for 50% on trail and 50% off the trail and these are the two sleds that I am considering. Just giving you the facts see what you guys think again I love sledding and would ride anything but these are the two I've narrowed down. Thanks cant wait for the new year !!!!!


Well-known member
I rode a 2010 back country x 800 with a 1.75 a few times last winter nice sled but I still like my xfire better lays over with less finesse than the doo but I do have no sway bar in my xfire so that has a bit to do with it and I think you will be more happy with cats 160+ hp.but I am a cat guy {who has has a few doo 2 of witch had crank failures}so I am a bit bias