repairing hole in plastic gas tank


New member
yes, I put a hole in my daughters gas tank on her snowmobile. It's from a 1/8" drillbit (don't ask). My question is what is the best method to plug the hole? Do I find something to jam in the hole similar to repairing a hole in a tire or is there some epoxy (JB Weld???) that I can use to fill in the hole and won't interact with the fuel in the tank? Again, it's a small hole, in a polyethylene plastic gas tank on a snowmobile. The hole is on the side of the tank near the bottom of the tank. Sled is currently tipped on it's side to keep more fuel from leaking out. Thanks.


Did a similar thing when stapling a seat cover on. Took it to a body shop and they were able to plastic weld the holes shut. You may want to try a soldering gun and melt it back shut if you don't want to take it to a shop


Active member
Epoxy is your best bet and easiest to do. Go to any automotive store. There are plenty of them on the market. Just read the lable to make sure it's good for fuel and will adhere to plastic.


New member
Thank you. After further research it sounds like the epoxy kit is the easiest method. Thanks for the responses.

It was on a Yamaha Ovation snowmobile (daughter's sled).


New member
Go with Marine-tex.. like steel go'es on like putty 24 hr seat up,.. better than JB weld .. get it at Boat marine place,about $20.00


Well-known member
plastic weld is the best . clean it off if u have any access to the same plastic like a utility knife shaving around mounts or cap etc. try soldering gun get hole hot and melty then start feeding plastic shavings on to the soldering gun.
like I said clean well then clean aging then sand. otherwise I would go with the screw with solvent resistant stuff like rtv black. once u go that rout the welding is no longer a real option with the contamination of sealant


New member
Q Bond. Works on everything in 10 seconds. Auto supply stores have it. Kit is about $15.00. I have used this on plastic gas tanks from chain saws, snow blowers, etc. I tried epoxy, jb weld and everything else. Most all auto body shops use it. Good luck