Revving VS. Running it Up for Storage


Active member
I start my sled and rev it without engaging the clutch every 2-3 weeks to keep things operational.
But I'm thinking it's better to peg the flipper for a bit so fuel runs through the main jet to keep it clear. Does fuel run through the main jet when only revved up to 3k?
Trying to avoid pulling carbs to clean them.


New member
I start my sled and rev it without engaging the clutch every 2-3 weeks to keep things operational.
But I'm thinking it's better to peg the flipper for a bit so fuel runs through the main jet to keep it clear. Does fuel run through the main jet when only revved up to 3k?
Trying to avoid pulling carbs to clean them.

Mix some stabil or sea foam in your fuel before you put it away for summer and you dont need to touch it all.


New member
^^^Agreed. Next time you start it up, be sure to put some marine grade Stabil (the blue/green stuff)in the tank first. Shake the sled around to mix up the gas, fire it up, then let it run til good and warm, then shut it down and leave it. In the fall, suck that gas out, put it in your vehicle, refill sled with fresh fuel, add some seafoam, and run it. Works every time....Running periodically could potentially cause more harm than do good.

Go Fast or Go Home

Active member
I've used Star-Tron, Sta-Bil, Sea Foam since I started sledding in 1968. I put it in my tank the last ride of the season, park the sled until it snows again, fire it up and go. I do this with ALL my engines in everything I own and I have NEVER had any problems. EVER.


Active member
Go ahead and engage that clutch. Hold the brake n' let the smoke fly when ya feeling like yanking a rope. Usaually takes a few squirts of gas. Never have used additives and never cleaned a carb.

" Old Gas " is as good as new, just keep it flowing.


^^^Agreed. Next time you start it up, be sure to put some marine grade Stabil (the blue/green stuff)in the tank first. Shake the sled around to mix up the gas, fire it up, then let it run til good and warm, then shut it down and leave it. In the fall, suck that gas out, put it in your vehicle, refill sled with fresh fuel, add some seafoam, and run it. Works every time....Running periodically could potentially cause more harm than do good.

what possible harm?


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Staff member
I've always ran my sleds in the off season, I've never fogged a sled yet. Of course, mine sits in the garage where i get to see it every day, so....BRAAAP BRAAAAAAP! :)


Well-known member
If you don't run it long enough to get everything hot, condensation will not get burned off.

Fog it prior to summer and let it set.

I've heard this and don't know enough about internals to agree or disagree. But, even if the condensation does get burned off.....isn't it going to form again once the engine cools?


Well-known member
If you don't run it long enough to get everything hot, condensation will not get burned off.

It doesn't take that long in the summer to get it hot enough. 2-3 maybe 4 minutes with a couple good track spins. Gotta get the 2-stroke smoke fix in the summer too!

Fog it prior to summer and let it set.

I've always done this until this year with the FI model I have. So the carbed sleds get run with stabil, fogged, gas drained and let sit (Maybe pull the rope every month or so just to roll the bearings on the crank).

FI sled gets run every couple weeks.


If you don't run it long enough to get everything hot, condensation will not get burned off.

Just figured that would be a given, that is to run it long enough. I don't fog any more but I do run the machine every couple weeks till engine is hot, no more changing plugs come snow time. I fill up with none-ethanol fuel when I put it away, yank the rope often, spin the track, use the brakes. Everything stays loose and motor dries out with new oil injected every time I run it. Most people lack maintenance so that is why all this storage stuff is available. One thing I will not ever do it put the machine away with ethanol fuel. To each their own I suppose!!!!


Active member
The reason running your sled in summer is considered a bad idea is you are not putting any load on the engine when simply running on a stand in the garage. Without putting a load on the motor, you are not bringing the exhaust pipe, muffler, and crankcase up to full operating temperature. You WILL bring the cylinders and heads up to temp or possibly far above!

This is commonly referred to as "short cycling" the motor. When you repeatedly short cycle the motor, you are introducing condensation into your pipe and crankcase that will not be fully burned off, because you never get theses components up to full operating temp without a load on the engine. Over the long term, this can cause premature failure of the pipe and or crank bearings due to rust.

If you Must run your engine in summer to get that 2 stroke fix, do yourself a favor and rip it around the yard a few times. Then your all good! Otherwise, stable it and leave the poor thing alone till the snow flies.


The reason running your sled in summer is considered a bad idea is you are not putting any load on the engine when simply running on a stand in the garage. Without putting a load on the motor, you are not bringing the exhaust pipe, muffler, and crankcase up to full operating temperature. You WILL bring the cylinders and heads up to temp or possibly far above!

This is commonly referred to as "short cycling" the motor. When you repeatedly short cycle the motor, you are introducing condensation into your pipe and crankcase that will not be fully burned off, because you never get theses components up to full operating temp without a load on the engine. Over the long term, this can cause premature failure of the pipe and or crank bearings due to rust.

If you Must run your engine in summer to get that 2 stroke fix, do yourself a favor and rip it around the yard a few times. Then your all good! Otherwise, stable it and leave the poor thing alone till the snow flies.

well, that sounds all reasonable but it's totally bogus and here is why. Yesterday I ran my sled for 15 minutes. When I first fired it up water temp was 68 degrees and just so happens that was close to the ambient air temp yesterday. When I started it my temp never dropped a single degree after water was circulated so what that means is my entire engine is very close to the same temp. I ran the machine to 145 degree and that temp rise is a constant rise, no fluctuation. The heat exchangers are hot to the touch and that means that is the coldest the motor can be because the water and heat exchanger are dissipating the heat. To believe the pipe is not hot is kinda like believing the earth is flat,,,lol

I can see your theory as a legit theory for a gas powered generator because the generator side will not produce nearly as much heat as the engine side and a few minutes of running with no load will not be sufficient. I also agree that if you run your sled in the summer and do not bring it to normal operating temp you are not helping it.

Engine run time is the key factor here. Running a load on the engine will warm the engine up fast but running the sled around the yard with dirt, sand loading up the skid and tunnel, IMO is not desirable, let alone the abuse on the yard. The best in general for the population of sledders would be to leave it alone in the summer, fog it, oil the cylinders or what ever you guys like because most will not run the engine long enough and without knowing the temp of the critical water in the motor most will shut it off to soon thinking it was normal operating temp.


New member
From weed wackers to sleds to boats to quads to generators to lawn mowers, and everything inbetween, stabil has never been a problem for me and always worked great. also I squirt 2 stroke oil in the cylinders as well on my 2stroke sleds and quads and DO NOT run them until the season begins or is close. the etecs have summerization mode which floods the cylinders with oil automatically and the manuel says dont start until ready to ride again. I can see how running it every few weeks would work as well but unnecessary in my opinion. But if ya just wana smell the 2s and here the engine roar then more power to ya. If mine was in my garage I may consider this. But I would agree ya gota get that sucker hot or its kinda a waste.


Well-known member
From weed wackers to sleds to boats to quads to generators to lawn mowers, and everything inbetween, stabil has never been a problem for me and always worked great. also I squirt 2 stroke oil in the cylinders as well on my 2stroke sleds and quads and DO NOT run them until the season begins or is close. the etecs have summerization mode which floods the cylinders with oil automatically and the manuel says dont start until ready to ride again. I can see how running it every few weeks would work as well but unnecessary in my opinion. But if ya just wana smell the 2s and here the engine roar then more power to ya. If mine was in my garage I may consider this. But I would agree ya gota get that sucker hot or its kinda a waste.

X2 Well said.


From weed wackers to sleds to boats to quads to generators to lawn mowers, and everything inbetween, stabil has never been a problem for me and always worked great. also I squirt 2 stroke oil in the cylinders as well on my 2stroke sleds and quads and DO NOT run them until the season begins or is close. the etecs have summerization mode which floods the cylinders with oil automatically and the manuel says dont start until ready to ride again. I can see how running it every few weeks would work as well but unnecessary in my opinion. But if ya just wana smell the 2s and here the engine roar then more power to ya. If mine was in my garage I may consider this. But I would agree ya gota get that sucker hot or its kinda a waste.

It has nothing to do with wanting to small 2 stroke oil, not sure why that is even brought up. Regardless if you fog or not your engine is going to have condensation inside it. I prefer to keep it as minimal as possible and running the engine is constantly injecting new oil and removing any moisture. I am not trying to convince anyone to do it my way nor am I saying you ought to but I am responding to posts that imply I may be damaging my motor. Momoney and whitedust, knock your socks off and let it sit. At 49 years old and only fogged motors a few times in 35 years, my method has proved reliable and that's a fact. Fact is, I have never blown an engine except once when I removed an oil pump and didn't prime it after assembly, lost the bottom end. You even have a car sitting for months to find out your brakes have tightened up or even locked up, some things need to keep moving. It also gives me an opportunity to look my sled over and see if there are mice building a nest or chewing wires, anything. To each his own but I can say with certainty I am not damaging my sled in the least.


Active member
I prefer to keep it as minimal as possible and running the engine is constantly injecting new oil and removing any moisture.

Running the engine with no load is not removing moisture, it is adding moisture. Believe it or don't, I really don't care. I have stated facts, not opinions.
Have a nice day, I'm out.


Running the engine with no load is not removing moisture, it is adding moisture. Believe it or don't, I really don't care. I have stated facts, not opinions.
Have a nice day, I'm out.

hey, don't bug out now, we're just getting to the good stuff. Are you saying that a 15 min run in 70 degree temp will not sufficiently warm the engine up to normal operating temp? With a cooling system dependent upon snow to keep it cool, how can running it not allow it to warm up thoroughly. I believe I can run my engine till it blows if it doesn't have a safety. Heat isheat and if the enging is producing heat than that heat will dissipate through all metal surfaces given enough time.

So bottom line to you is that it will not come up to temp unless underload, just asking?