river center sat?


Well-known member
wps show 003.jpg wps show 002.jpg wps show 004.jpg swag

for the pro guys did u see the removable hood vents so u can cut out 1 section of hood remove vent and get to your muff pot? they are sweet from 2cool
I have some phone picks will try to upload some of them


Well-known member
IMG295 rmk big.jpg IMG296 rmk vent.jpg rmk hard vents and sweet skinz arms

the skinz skid system is pretty cool don't think I need it but works slick.

Deleted member 10829

I've never heard of this expo. Tell us more about it.


Well-known member
it is a dealer only show .wps the huge catalog co I think the biggest power sports retailer in the USA had its midwest show in st paul this yr.
nice event nice dinner great prizes lots of celebs like Dan Addams colten more etc . tons of vendors giving swag and deals for orders .
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