Rolled and smoked a fattie :0


Well-known member
So the wifes working tonight so I thought I would try and do something i've never done before. (don't all good things come when the significant other is not keeping tabs??) :) LOL

So I cranked up the stereo to set the mood and then got to it. Little nervous at first, hate to waste some good product. Well pretty stoked that it turned out great for my first try!!!
Great high knowing what you created and enjoyed!!

..... pics to follow!!


Well-known member
Not that kind....jeeze

lets get to it.

the ingredients

Rolled out flat and ingredients added


Forgot to get a pick of it rolled. Next, well everythings better with bacon!




smoked for 2 hrs at 260.


Walla, my first fattie!!!!


thanks for playing


Super Moderator
Staff member
Dang, I could smell that thing cooking all the way over here in Neenah.

Well, at least the Mushrooms and Lettuce prove that you're eating healthy.

Pork Sausage wrapped in Bacon, somebody better call 9-1-1!

the Eagle has Landed.


Well-known member
mmmmmm bacon
is that the recipe jeff at smoking meat sent out a week or so back?
looks similar and I was thinking of trying now I think I must
but may just have to have a quick smoke in 35 min or so before dinner just to enhance the flavor a touch more


Well-known member
Dang dude, now I got's the munchies! :cool:LOL! Looks delish though, nice job chef.-Mezz


Well-known member
I like how you chose the reduced fat that is gonna matter with all the bacon and sausage!!!

LMAO. Never noticed that till you pointed it out.

Ezra, just one of many recipes I seen in "fattie" section of the forum.
Next time I'll try Italian sausage make a pizza one.
Lots of leftovers, pretty rich to be eating too much. Showed the wife, she laughed shook her head. Lol