Just got back from having a Root Canal but I'll save that for another day. Hint: It's not so bad once the screaming stops and the crying begins!
A friend of mine sent me this clip with a message of how many things have changed just in the last 15 years or so. Some good, some not. And for those of us who struggled watching the National Anthem on Sunday's Superbowl, this is what it sounded like on February 6, 2005. Kinda makes me wonder what it'll sound like in 2035. The link runs a little over 2 minutes, well worth your time!
A friend of mine sent me this clip with a message of how many things have changed just in the last 15 years or so. Some good, some not. And for those of us who struggled watching the National Anthem on Sunday's Superbowl, this is what it sounded like on February 6, 2005. Kinda makes me wonder what it'll sound like in 2035. The link runs a little over 2 minutes, well worth your time!