Rumored - Arctic Cat has been bought


Active member
It a bad time to buy a snowmobile company due to all the non current inventory in crates. Imo they will all have a 2026 product line that is mostly BNG. I would highly doubt 2026 features any brand would be released that makes inventory obsolete. It would be smart to do what Yamaha did with Spring orders in the past 2026 orders in limited quantities or you don’t get a 2026 snowmobile until non currents are sold or in a manageable inventory amounts. Imo it won’t be a traditional approach to the 2026 market.
I disagree.....buying artic at rock bottom would be a great time for a company flush with cash to buy.

The manufactures know what they need to do to straighten out the sled business. They are working on it and ahead of all of us in the plan.

old abe

Well-known member
Bravo on the new owner soon Kip, and I'm hoping it really does happen! Sorry that I inadvertently got you into this again by putting your name out there. That wasn't my intent as I was fishing for the other absent name. Knowing you could handle it well. ;) However thanks, as I always respect your comments on anything, especially snow related.


Well-known member
I disagree.....buying artic at rock bottom would be a great time for a company flush with cash to buy.

The manufactures know what they need to do to straighten out the sled business. They are working on it and ahead of all of us in the plan.
Sure if you can buy AC for practically nothing but that didn’t happen for Yamaha and Who knows what tax shelters Textron can implement which is always a wild card with these large corporations. I think no buyer has been announced as Textron is taking a hard line on what they will accept as bottom line. I have no idea what’s ongoing with a sale of AC only the Textron acquisition team knows. Also have no idea where these false internet articles stem from either that drop off the radar as time passes. Imo it is not practical for Textron to not clarify 2026 product line and accept orders. That’s beyond stupid imo.


Well-known member
whitedust, Yamaha's shameful pathetic end came at their own hands.
I think textron had a hand in that too. Yami shouldnt have put all their eggs in one basket (literally too I suppose these days!) but textron had no interest in getting the new 4 stroke chassis to market even though it would have been mutually beneficial. Plus for whatever reason textron wouldn't or couldn't make enough sleds for yami the past 4-5 years

old abe

Well-known member
I think textron had a hand in that too. Yami shouldnt have put all their eggs in one basket (literally too I suppose these days!) but textron had no interest in getting the new 4 stroke chassis to market even though it would have been mutually beneficial. Plus for whatever reason textron wouldn't or couldn't make enough sleds for yami the past 4-5 years
Perhaps so on your Textron part of that Hoosier? However Yamaha all by themselves, made their own death bed with their fatal move some 13 years ago by NOT producing a refined, lighter weight, all Yamaha 4 stroke sled. The market was theirs to have! But they decided to forgo the all new sled, and instead to pick the vine bare for what is was worth $$ sales wise. And all the time knowing what they were doing by intentionally rusing people in to thinking something all new, all Yami was coming. Not! That was all intentional BS&L's! But then, AC gave Yamaha a shot in the arm that added some years of life support, by misfitting the Yami engines into the existing AC chassis. It worked for some riders, others though whether loyal AC, or loyal Yami riders weren't at all interested in the misfit Rube Goldberg concoctions. We all know the history now, and we're at the final play of the game. Very sad how it came to this point. But Yamaha back then, and Textron now, have both decided they really weren't interested in snowmobiles period. I had high hopes for AC when Textron obtained AC, thinking they could remake AC into what it had once been. And that Textron had learned from their disgraceful tenure with owning Poo. I should have known better. o_O Pray for the right, new owner soon!


Well-known member
the rumor mill, the assumptions, the Textron should be doing this or doing that, the writing is on the wall, the bashing, the negativity is all just beyond stupid and ridiculous. I don't want to read or hear anything until it comes right from either Textron or the new owner which will come across as a press release. It boggles the mind that people have nothing better to do than create false information. It is very important for the industry as a whole that the brand will be here to stay, whether you like the brand or not the people who think Cat should or will just go away have absolutely zero understanding of what competition means and brings to the table. Assumptions are completely baseless, laughable at times and a lot of them quite ridiculous. I'll wait until it is official, then and only then will we know and put all the assumptions and negativity to an end. Although I doubt it will even stop then.


Well-known member
Perhaps so on your Textron part of that Hoosier? However Yamaha all by themselves, made their own death bed with their fatal move some 13 years ago by NOT producing a refined, lighter weight, all Yamaha 4 stroke sled. The market was theirs to have! But they decided to forgo the all new sled, and instead to pick the vine bare for what is was worth $$ sales wise. And all the time knowing what they were doing by intentionally rusing people in to thinking something all new, all Yami was coming. Not! That was all intentional BS&L's! But then, AC gave Yamaha a shot in the arm that added some years of life support, by misfitting the Yami engines into the existing AC chassis. It worked for some riders, others though whether loyal AC, or loyal Yami riders weren't at all interested in the misfit Rube Goldberg concoctions. We all know the history now, and we're at the final play of the game. Very sad how it came to this point. But Yamaha back then, and Textron now, have both decided they really weren't interested in snowmobiles period. I had high hopes for AC when Textron obtained AC, thinking they could remake AC into what it had once been. And that Textron had learned from their disgraceful tenure with owning Poo. I should have known better. o_O Pray for the right, new owner soon!
Agree on the yami side too.
I am out of my element here but seems that if Textron were trying to sell the arctic cat brand and 2 manufacturing sites, finding a buyer would be fairly straightforward. Textron has the assets, some investment group forks up the cash and its all straight forward. My gut says Textron is attaching some strings to any potential deal causing potential buyers to pause or decline.
My guess is Textron wants any buyer to take on at least some corporate debt held by the AC division or bake that debt into the sale price and that is holding any sale up.


Well-known member
Not good news from Cat today. Will indefinitely suspend production by May 22. Guess there won't be any 2026 Cats.☹️


Well-known member
I was surprised to see this. I thought for sure with Kip taking on cat that they either had a buyer or they were planning on starting up production again. Sad day hopefully they will get it all squared away and get going again.


Well-known member
That's pretty much what they said last announcement in terms of production would stop once the doo 200s and 120s were done. Obviously as more time passes the chances of a viable buyer keeps going down.


Well-known member
That's pretty much what they said last announcement in terms of production would stop once the doo 200s and 120s were done. Obviously as more time passes the chances of a viable buyer keeps going down.
Especially if no 2026 models low hanging fruit for BNG model possibly last production run for Cat I know some folks that want to order 2026.