running the peshekee river



HACKSAW....RIPPER.....we go down to the lake we saw am gonna be goodski...guess what we will be running....HAHAHAHAHaaaaaaaaaaa......this time no break thru...from shore to shore....the SHINNING SEA TOUR 2018/19 fellas...I am working on some films from last weekend and found this.....see IS possible....these might be the dudes who went down the steep side onto it....gonna follow that one track now



Active member
HACKSAW....RIPPER.....we go down to the lake we saw am gonna be goodski...guess what we will be running....HAHAHAHAHaaaaaaaaaaa......this time no break thru...from shore to shore....the SHINNING SEA TOUR 2018/19 fellas …
Yer sleddin' in WALLA WALLA, Washington? Or maybe voilà? (It's French, ya know.)

Like SHINNING up a tree? er, no… that's shinnying.
I guess you wouldn't need to be shinnying up a tree 'cuz Cats climb trees, no shinnying required!
[English is a dying language; some folks are speeding it on its way!]


Yer sleddin' in WALLA WALLA, Washington? Or maybe voilà? (It's French, ya know.)

Like SHINNING up a tree? er, no… that's shinnying.
I guess you wouldn't need to be shinnying up a tree 'cuz Cats climb trees, no shinnying required!
View attachment 58613
[English is a dying language; some folks are speeding it on its way!]

haha...the whole area is U.P. FRENCH.....theres L'anse' pronounced La Anse....LOL....and if you ask someone if its La ANSE they answer LANCE and vice when you say VIOLA they write down WALLA..and vice versa...LOL....the shining and shinning....well that's because the don't know that POLISH and POLISH are spelled the same...this all means they do not know chit from shinola.....haha


haha...the whole area is U.P. FRENCH.....theres L'anse' pronounced La Anse....LOL....and if you ask someone if its La ANSE they answer LANCE and vice when you say VIOLA they write down WALLA..and vice versa...LOL....the shining and shinning....well that's because the don't know that POLISH and POLISH are spelled the same...this all means they do not know chit from shinola.....haha

Well now we know he's Polish!


FR. turns out CATS don't climb trees after all....but this is a testament to ARCTIC CATS JOUSTING ABILITIES...SMASH EM AND BASH EM...for sale in wasaw...LMAO...its all cosmetic babay


old abe

Well-known member
Hey ezra, you on this??? That guy in the YouTube video must have had the front shocks adjusted way too "soft", eh??? And that let the "A" arms go up, thus, the "A" arms spread out, and bingo, he hooked that tree!!! Yah, I think that's what happened alright. I remember Tracker trying to tell us about that type chit, and what can happen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bad luck!!!


FR. turns out CATS don't climb trees after all....but this is a testament to ARCTIC CATS JOUSTING ABILITIES...SMASH EM AND BASH EM...for sale in wasaw...LMAO...its all cosmetic babay/QUOTE]

You played that "oldie but goodie" last year. What did that set him back? I can't ride after something like that, I get too PO'd to focus.


Active member
haha...the whole area is U.P. FRENCH.....theres L'anse' pronounced La Anse....LOL....and if you ask someone if its La ANSE they answer LANCE and vice when you say VIOLA they write down WALLA..and vice versa...LOL....the shining and shinning....well that's because the don't know that POLISH and POLISH are spelled the same...this all means they do not know chit from shinola.....haha
"pronounced La Anse"?
"chit from shinola"? Speaking of which:

Listen to this: (click →) How to pronounce L'Anse (and note where it says "in: michigan")
For the clueless: click on the little arrowhead on that web page to listen.
Pronounce L'Anse.jpg
(Click on the thumbnail for full size image.)

Hint (Click on each thumbnail for full size image.):
1. This is a "lance".

L;anse, MI.JPG
2. This is L'Anse (note "the cove"):

L'anse (translation from the French): "The cove", from Wikipedia:
"… a small type of bay or coastal inlet. Coves usually have narrow, restricted entrances, are often circular or oval, and are often situated within a larger bay. Small, narrow, sheltered bays, inlets, creeks, or recesses in a coast are often considered coves.

Colloquially, the term can be used to describe a sheltered bay."


Active member
FRNash: Note to self

FRNash: note to self:
Once you have placed someone on your ignore list …
Ignore Tracker.JPG
(Click thumbnail for full size image.)
… you should have the good sense to do that, and resist the urge to click on that "View Post" link out of compelling curiosity.

There's an old saying about curiosity and cat(s) …

And another from an IT colleague, and also attributed to Assistant Secretary of State Langhorne A. Motley¹ circa June 28, 1985.:
"Buy 'em books, and buy 'em books, and all they do is eat the covers."

(¹ see Wikipedia:


FR. turns out CATS don't climb trees after all....but this is a testament to ARCTIC CATS JOUSTING ABILITIES...SMASH EM AND BASH EM...for sale in wasaw...LMAO...its all cosmetic babay/QUOTE]

You played that "oldie but goodie" last year. What did that set him back? I can't ride after something like that, I get too PO'd to focus.

well one thing....CATS go together easier than any other manu's rip off an arm and bolt another one on....rarely is it beyond fixing....but a yami....done for....rivets and plastic....CAT parts are cheaper than the others....that one was brandy new....he gonna sell it to me for 1200 bucks.....its back together rather easily....I will ask him how much he spent on repairs....its nothing but a thing.....they make more ever day...ya cannot let it get to you as ITS IN THE NAME OF FUN AND RELAXATION...and that pays for itself ever time you ride a sled....MILES OF SMILES....positive attitude....that and after many sleds ( I currently own maybe 11 or so of all manus) and taking care of them so my family or buddies can ride learn a lot....riding and touring (taking 20 people out on rides) out west I also learned the value of bolt another piece on we gotta ride today...since I switched to CATS many years ago I have not had to rebuild an engine or difficulty rebuilding chassis or finding parts or starting in cold weather and man that's been a god when this happens to you....have fun with takes 29 muscles to frown and 7 to theres that


FRNash: note to self:
Once you have placed someone on your ignore list …
View attachment 58623

2 tings is I was funning and not poking at you...and will miss a lot of good stuff since theres only 8 of us that ever makes a thread or posts....unless its to bash someone...then they come out and comment....but never make a least your half way there eh? its gonna get really slow and boring if you ignore me but have at it....later....larue


Active member
2 tings is I was funning and not poking at you...and will miss a lot of good stuff since theres only 8 of us that ever makes a thread or posts....unless its to bash someone...then they come out and comment....but never make a least your half way there eh? its gonna get really slow and boring if you ignore me but have at it....later....larue
Funning wit me? Yeah, I know dat.

"… its gonna get really slow and boring if you ignore me …":
But I still can't seem to resist the urge to click on that "View Post" link out of compelling curiosity.

Oh, and didja finally figger out the pronunciation of L'Anse? (click →) post #10.

P.S.: It ain't the intellectual content of yer posts, but the writing "style" that drives me udderly nuts:
Run-on sentences (sentences[SUP]1[/SUP]?) run-on paragraphs (paragraphs[SUP]2[/SUP]?) all totally lacking in anything vaguely resembling conventional punctuation (except for a curious series of closely concatenated periods of varying lengths that are randomly interspersed among the text, with perversely "bumpkin-esque" spelling and grammar.

No, it's not even close to (click →) "Upper Peninsula English" (Yooperese[SUP]4[/SUP])!

It really grates on me, particularly since I actually have a sense that you are capable of considerably more civilized discourse (in spite of the impression conveyed by that absurd writing style).
[Oh mygawd, what did I just say? :cower:]

Maybe you think it's amusing? Or are you deliberately trying to conceal the fact that you're really quite a bit "smarter than the average bear, er… bigfoot"? :indecisiveness:
It's kinda unbecoming[SUP]3.[/SUP]
[SUP]1 [/SUP]sentence: noun ▸ a group of words, usually including a subject and a verb, that express a statement, question, or instruction. A written sentence begins with a capital letter and ends with a (closely concatenated) period, question mark, or exclamation point (followed by a space).

[SUP]2 [/SUP]paragraph: noun ▸ a section of a piece of writing that begins on a new line and contains one or more sentences (and nominally separated from preceding and following paragraphs by vertical space).

[SUP]3 [/SUP]unbecoming: adjective ▸behavior that is unbecoming is inappropriate for a particular type of person.

[SUP]4[/SUP] Upper Peninsula English ("Yooperese"), see: (click →) "Yooper Talk: Dialect as Identity in Michigan's Upper Peninsula (Languages and Folklore of Upper Midwest)" by Kathryn A. Remlinger (University of Wisconsin Press (June 27, 2017).

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Damn I love this place.....where else would a guy like FNash and Tracker get together and have a conversation?
It's all so entertaining.
Frank....I think it actually takes more effort to write in that "Bumpkin-esque" style you refer to, than conventional English. I've tried - can't do it.

You have to admit, he makes damn nice videos!


Active member
Damn I love this place.....where else would a guy like FNash and Tracker get together and have a conversation?
It's all so entertaining.
Frank....I think it actually takes more effort to write in that "Bumpkin-esque" style you refer to, than conventional English. I've tried - can't do it.

You have to admit, he makes damn nice videos!