Sad day 2


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We are moving our little girl into UW Stvens Point today. Where the **** did time go? I was just picking her up after her first day of kindergarten yesterday it seems like! No tears from me yet, but I am pretty sure they will be arriving soon! Luckily we are only an hour from campus!


New member
I'm bringing my oldest to kindergarten next Tuesday. I'll probably be a mess, but she's my little girl. Both my wife and I work 30-40 minutes away from home and are always thinking of moving into my wifes school district that she teaches in because we know the time will go fast while our kids are growing up and we don't want to waste it away on commuting. Time spent with them are valuable as it will all go way too fast. Decisions......decisions.......


New member
I am confused, For me those were happy party days.

They do come back, and back, and back, then some never leave.
Be careful what you wish for, Course if you blubbering like an old women. That might get them to move on even faster.


New member
I am confused, For me those were happy party days.

They do come back, and back, and back, then some never leave.
Be careful what you wish for, Course if you blubbering like an old women. That might get them to move on even faster.

LOL, Heck I helped them pack. Three out, zero to go! And They DO Come back!! They always need money. I ended up funding houses for them to keep them "On their Own". We got 25,000 students back in town last week for GVSU. no shortage of them lining up at the gas station (Dave B's haunt) to put $4.00 in their tanks. (that's a lot of beer cans to return).
My son just left Oregon today after a 10 day visit, back to UW-Milwaukee for his senior year. Had a nice visit, but sad to see him go.

Just think how the parents of soldiers feel when the go off to war not knowing if they return. Never had to go through that emotional rollercoaster, but know many parents that did.



Well-known member
Skylar, time does fly when you have your head down into raising a family. Just wait until she gets married, then we can talk about the tears flowing, mine did. The next thing you know you are "Grandpa", that's when I got slugged in the stomach by the fist of time flying by. It does go quickly, too quickly, enjoy the moment. Of 4 daughters, I have one left in the house at 12 years old, so I have a couple of blinks of the eye left before she will be on her own. I am sure you are very proud of your daughter & rightfully so, you got her this far, & no matter how old, she will always be "your little girl".:cool:-Mezz


New member
i have one that is gonna go to marquette next year it kinda funny one that is gonna go to collage and another starting 1st grade

Team Elkhorn

I thought I couldn't wait till all our kids moved out. But when the last one finally left the nest I was surprised how hard it hit me. Nowadays I look forward to them visiting, but it doesn't bother me when they leave anymore. If you know what I mean.;)


I think the kids leaving is a turning point in out lives. All the best times are with the family and the best memories. We think these days are coming to an end but there not, just different. We are old and our kids are awesome, thank God for them.

You da man Skylar!!!!


New member
I thought I couldn't wait till all our kids moved out. But when the last one finally left the nest I was surprised how hard it hit me. Nowadays I look forward to them visiting, but it doesn't bother me when they leave anymore. If you know what I mean.;)

Amazing how that works. I found that by moving away from them (30 miles) brings them to visit more then when I was a couple miles away, and that is totally fine. Grand kids are way cool guys and they will be next.


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Well we just got home. The move in was really smooth, we got her side of the room all set up before her roommate arrived. We met her roommate and father last weekend in Ripon, they live in Neenah, for dinner so the stress of moving and meeting was reduced. They are good peeps.

No tears from me yet, maybe because I know I will be seeing her Saturday, then in a couple of weeks, and maybe because she is still pretty close to home. I dunno LOL.

I guess tomorrow I will go get 18 holes in, and drink some beer. LOL.
Well we just got home. The move in was really smooth, we got her side of the room all set up before her roommate arrived. We met her roommate and father last weekend in Ripon, they live in Neenah, for dinner so the stress of moving and meeting was reduced. They are good peeps.

No tears from me yet, maybe because I know I will be seeing her Saturday, then in a couple of weeks, and maybe because she is still pretty close to home. I dunno LOL.

I guess tomorrow I will go get 18 holes in, and drink some beer. LOL.

Everything will go o.k. with your daughter, by now she already has 3 beer bongs knocked out!



Active member
Small world,my twins started UWSP today, that would have been funny Skyler, if our kids were roommates. No tears yet,but I know they are both ready for the next step in their lives.


Super Moderator
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Small world,my twins started UWSP today, that would have been funny Skyler, if our kids were roommates. No tears yet,but I know they are both ready for the next step in their lives.

Girls or boys? What hall?


Active member
Boy/girl twins they are on the forth floor. Their rooms are across the hall from each other. I will pm you the bldg.