

Well I can count on one hand the number of times I've golfed in Nov in the Keweenaw... I'm going to get out and play tomorrow a.m. with a group of at least 8 and maybe 10 guys... I don't know if I've ever played this late in the Month of November....Yikes I guess I should snap a pic or two of a leafless course that had snow a month ago...



New member
I remember maybe 4 years ago when I was still able to drive back into camp in late January. 2.5 miles off the paved road, there was some snow maybe 3-4 on the ground.


New member
the wife works at a golf course,she has called twice alresdy and she has quite few out there all ready.this time of year this extra money we didnt plan on.might be able go sledding a few more times WHEN we get snow