Say Ya to the USA


Well-known member
I'm hoping this won't be interpreted as political as it is not my intent. This is the time of year when we're all a little crabby with regard to the state of things but the truth is, how many of us would choose to live anywhere else?

Do we have problems? Yes, but we're able to express our frustration in a manner that, in many countries, would land us a one way ticket to a bad experience.

I come from a humble background which, by today's standards, would be considered poverty and it wasn't always easy (I really did walk a half-mile through the snow to my little country school...up hill...both ways) but no one told me what I could and couldn't achieve. Few countries, if any, provide greater potential reward for hard work and ambition.

We're still #1 in most things that matter and that's good enough for me.

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Super Moderator
Staff member
Yes, I'm glad I live in the USA but the thing that concerns me the most is the way this country is changing before our eyes. RAPIDLY! Bare with me here...

I'm considered a Baby Boomer and most likely I will be the last generation that exceeds the living standards of my parents. The next generation will be crippled with national debt and a growing population that is supported by government programs.

Our once mighty Manufactering Base is long gone creating a void that is a direct cause of our current deficits at the state and national levels. To put it simply, fewer good paying jobs equal less government revenue through income taxes.

Now add in Illegal Immigration, Radical Islam, the Cost of Energy, and Trillions owed to the Chinese, it doesn't paint a pretty picture for the USA. There's some tremendous challenges facing the next generation.

Now, is this still the best place to live and raise a family in the world? Absolutely! But the USA needs to change the way we do business in the world, give less away and develop new opportunities for growth here at home.

Sadly, I feel that most elected officials are clueless to fixing these problems and continue to "kick the can down the road" for the next generation to deal with. (Aw Nuts, we just went political, sorry)

I know this paints a gloomy picture for the future generations but hopefully their leadership will have a new and better way of managing our affairs to keep America great.

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New member
love the USA but we are far from #1......and to be real honest what do we have here for your children? debt? housing bubble did huge damage to this country to wich we have not even seen the end of yet........more houses here empty then I have ever seen.....more illegal here working and stealing our money to send home...when my Grandpa came here he had a Big desire to be an American and to make this country work....the only ones that have that thought is here dont even care!!!!real lack of respect going on here......rant over
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Well-known member

The next generation will be crippled with national debt and a growing population that is supported by government programs.

Our once mighty Manufactering Base is long gone creating a void that is a direct cause of our current deficits at the state and national levels. To put it simply, fewer good paying jobs equal less government revenue through income taxes.


the fed Gov has more workers than all manufacturing workers and agricultural workers combined in the USA.Yeah that should work out well in the end.


Well-known member
OK, I think the evidence is in.

I got some honest feedback which pointed out some major issues (and they are major) but the real goal of this post was to try to elicit the identification of positives that make this country a great place to call home. While there were signs of hope and genuine concern, I hate to say it but I've had better luck fishing and I’m not good.

I work for and with the U.S. military on a daily basis and I’m not going to be the one to tell them that they aren’t the best in the world. Nor am I going to be the one to tell my educators, our police, firefighters, and the doctors that literally saved my daughter’s life that they aren’t the best in the business. The list could go on.

When I take off my rose colored glasses, things might look different but hey, my wife says they look good on me.

OK, enough serious stuff, let's get back to the lighter side.

Thanks - Ski
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