School attendance


New member
With all of the snow in the UP of Michigan I was wondering how long students are in school with all of the snow days they must get. Or do they have a policy of kinda get here when you get here. I heard that many schools are like that as long as the students get their before like 11. Is this true?


New member
With all of the snow in the UP of Michigan I was wondering how long students are in school with all of the snow days they must get. Or do they have a policy of kinda get here when you get here. I heard that many schools are like that as long as the students get their before like 11. Is this true?

With all our trips to the yoop, I also wondered how the schools work snow days.


New member
I figured the universities would be different than high schools, but you would think that they would run out of snow days realllly quick


New member
First of all, they don't need as many snow days because unless there is big drifting, the buses will get thru...they are equipped with the right tires.

Secondly, the school systems make plenty of allowances for snow days....twice as many as most other schools in the south.

Southern schools get 5 inches of snow and call school....

In southern states they can call school with as little as 2 or 3 inches of nice soft snow falling lightly. (Pretty funny actually...) Full panic hits 24 hours prior to the prediction, (salt trucks throwin salt on bare roads...also pretty funny). Grocery stores sell out of everything...and everyone hunkers down and waits for a thaw....

If the Yoopers did that...they would be out of school for months.


New member
we havent had one yet this year here in the keewenaw and alot of times the school has a delayed start policy where the start of school will be delayed two hours to make sure roads are safe neither of which have happened this year and i dont remember more than 6 snowdays in the last 4 years.


I do think schools in southern wisconsin have improved this year as they aint closeing or shutting down earlly for 2" of snow like years past. I think it was 4 or 5 years ago they had a huge storm predicted for our area and schools closed before the 1st flakes even fell and we wound up with like 3" of snow what a joke that was.

Snow is generally a given in the U.P if they shut school down every time the kids would have to go all summer long to make it up. Just goes to show the diference in lifestyle from up there to down south. And to think we laugh at people down in atlanta and areas like that when they get snow and the people in the U.P prolly laugh at us in southern wis LOL


Well-known member
We haven't had a snow day yet :( goes to show the sad winter down here for us. But, the snow god's have woken up. got about 4-5" in the past week, and another 4-5" between tomorrow and saturday. Possibly a big storm next week i heard too??? None of these snows are calling off school worthy though. We could get 6" of snow drifting like crazy and have em call off school, but if we got 10 fluffy non-windy inches, they wouldn't call it off. Lot of country roads that drift shut, can't just think about in town where the school is actually located.


From 5th grade all the way to high school, we only had 1 snow day ever called here, and that was for -60*f wind chills. No matter how much snow we got, they never called it, even when other districts would. But now, some 10 years later, that's completely changed.

And universities are different. I think the only time classes were canceled were because the professor canceled the class, not the school itself.


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The Rock

In a different place & time, ( snow belt area of course ) I attended a private school called The Rock ! It was on a hill with access to it up hills in all directions. I can only remember 2 snow days back in the late 60's -early 70's in all 8 years. The bus was driven by " Sarge " the janitor / maintenance guy. It was either the bus our our parents ( each family took a turn driving kids ) had to make a run up the hill. One time the snow was so bad, Sarge got the bus stuck filled with kids before our neighborhood stop. That was great, free snow day !!! So me and a bud went walking around, then I decided to start throwing snowballs off a bridge, ended up getting my 1st ride home in a " cop " car............
Michigan Tech

I was there for 4 years and they never called school. The year after I graduated they had one snow day, but like a poster above said, they understand what snow is and they deal with it. Here in Green Bay 1 in and the weatherman calls it a storm and names it. Its really lame. The only time I couldn't make it to work was because they pulled the plows off the streets because there was 8 inches and still coming down, but not that heavy. I thought great, how deep are you gonna let it get before you decide to plow?


Active member
Michigan Tech...

Ditto that.
There were days when "breaking trail" for an 8:00AM freshman class was a beech, though!

And just wait for spring, when some of the hard packed trails across the unplowed sections of campus start to melt, then re-freeze overnight; you could slip off into the deep stuff and not be seen for a month! :)